| Microdrive
| Microdrive programs and utilities.
| Tools
| Spectrum tools and utilities.
| Jet Set Willy
| JSW software, resources and documents for Spectrum, BBC and RISC OS.
| J.G.Harston modified Spectrum ROM.
| Games
| A handful of Spectrum snapshots and tapefiles.
| Backups
| Some Spectrum microdrive cartridge contents I've started to recover.
| BBC-Spectrum Linker
| Link a Spectrum and a BBC to use the BBC's file resources.
| Z80 Exerciser
| Frank Cringle's Z80 opcode exerciser tweeked to run on the Spectrum.
Useful to check the faithfulness of a Spectrum emulator's Z80 implementation.
Full source code supplied, along with various snapshots and tapefiles.
| VDUEcho |
| Backplane
| Backplane system I developed for the Spectrum.
| Circuits
| Circuit diagrams for various Spectrum hardware, included hardware that I designed and built.
| Hardware
| Emulated hardware add-ons for Spectrum emulators.
| CS-DISK disk/printer/CPM interface.
| Programming
| BBC BASIC (Z80) for the Spectrum.
| ProgTips
| Programming tips
| Coding
| Various coding things.
| Interface 1
| Programming the Interface 1.
| Screenshots
| Spectrum Screen Shots.