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Extensions to the JSW48 Game Engine

During 1984 and 1985 while I was writing my JSW Room editor, I also made a few changes to the JSW48 game engine to add features or to increase functionality. I originally rewrote the whole code, but then I changed tack and tried to ensure that the changes were as small as possible and could be patched on top of existing code. This meant that I could distribute my improvements without having to distribute the complete code.

In July 2006 there was a discussion on the Jet Set Willy list on using Intel Hex files for distributing patched. I have created hex patchfiles for each of my patches.

The patches are described here:

Since typing up my commented JSW assembly file I have added some more patches to the code. These are: The full code is available here:
JetSet.sna 48K
Standard Snapshot
JetSet.ssn 64K
Speculator Snapshot
JetSet.tap 32K
Spectrum Tapefile
JSW.tap 32K
Tapefile with JSW split into
CODE, Sprites, Objects, Rooms
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7bitRooms   wr/R  Access/htm  wr/R  Attic/hex   wr/R  Exit/hex    wr/R 
GameExit    wr/R  jsw48/asm   wr/R  jsw48/lst   wr/R  Make        wr/R 
NoPass/hex  wr/R  Patch/htm   wr/R  Patches/htm wr/R  Pause/hex   wr/R 
Pause/htm   wr/R  RoomNum/hex wr/R  Rooms/hex   wr/R  Rooms/htm   wr/R 
Sprites     wr/R  Teleport    wr/R  WallL/hex   wr/R  WallR/hex   wr/R 
WillySP/hex wr/R