MDFS::Software.BBCBasic.Windows.Compat/htm Search  

BBC BASIC programs that will run on Microsoft Windows™

I am going through all my programs and applications written in BBC BASIC and producing a list of those that will run unchanged on Windows. As part of this I will also see if any programs need a small tweek to work correctly on Windows.
Program Version Date Status Description
Biomorph 1.0211-Feb-2006 Tested - ok Blind Watchmaker Biomorphs
Gobbler  Oct-1991 Tested - ok Grass Gobblers
PDPTube 0.1504-Mar-2006 Tested - ok PDP-11 Emulator
DefChar 2.0703-Feb-2006 Tested - ok Character editing program
GridRef 1.0115-Oct-1999 Tested - ok Convert between OSGB grid references and longitude & latitude
SJFiler 0.1327-Apr-2007 Tested - ok Access data on SJ MDFS fileserver disks and images.
DisAssem 2.0016-Mar-2007 Tested - ok DisAssembly tools
CPMFiler 1.2728-Apr-2007 Tested - ok Access data on Acorn CP/M disks and images.
Assembler 1.0619-May-2006 Tested - ok PDP-11 Assembler
DumpMDR 1.0018-Jul-2006 Tested - ok Dump a Spectrum microdrive image file
ListMDR 1.0011-Jul-2006 Tested - ok List a Spectrum microdrive image file
ListTAP 1.0012-Jul-2006 Tested - ok List a Spectrum tapefile
1.0019-Jul-2006 Tested - ok Copy Spectrum microdrive image file to tapefile
1.0019-Jul-2006 Tested - ok Copy Spectrum tapefile to microdrive image file
HexDiff, HexPatch 0.1201-Mar-2007 Tested - ok Create and import Intel Hex patch files.
FormList 1.1114-Aug-2007 Tested - ok FormList database program
DefIcon 2.0430-Jan-1993 Tested - ok, but error when saving Icon editing program
Keyboard    Tested - ok, but printer font wrong Keyboard layouts
KeyStrips    Tested - ok, but printer font wrong Function keystrips
Labels 1.0127-Oct-1990 Tested - ok, but printer font wrong Disk label printer
BannerPrnt  Jul-1991 Tested - ok, but printer font wrong Banner printer
Printer    Tested - ok, but printer font wrong Text printout program
TapeInlay    Tested - ok, but printer font wrong Tape inlay printer
Snowing  16-Jan-1985 Tested - Palette switching doesn't work Snowing animation
Archive 2.2015-Jan-2002 Tested - Needs recompiling with Generic libraries Zip, Black and CJR Archiver/Dearchiver
BBCZip 1.2612-Sep-2005 Tested - Needs recompiling with Generic libraries Zip/UnZip tools
FSplit  19-Jan-2002 Tested - NO - Needs rewriting Split a file into parts
FJoin  01-Apr-2002 Tested - NO - Needs rewriting Join a split file together
DispScrn    Tested - NO - Needs rewriting to remove low level calls Display Spectrum screen images
Life    Tested - NO - Uses 6502 machine code Conway's Game of Life
Music    Untested Various music programs

Hosted by Force9 Internet - Authored by J.G.Harston - Last update: 14-Oct-2007