MDFS::Info.Comp.Spectrum.ProgTips Search

ZX Spectrum Programming Tips

device.htm Specifying devices in filenames, eg 1:Program for microdrive and T:Data for tape.
detect.htm Detecting Interface 1 presence.
input.htm Using INPUT anywhere on the screen, leaving the input text visible.
tape.htm Calling tape routines without BREAK generating an error. *NEW*
tapeio.htm Respecifying tape routines as file input and output routines. *NEW*
editor.htm Line editor with copy cursor and text cursor movement. *NEW*
linerun.htm Calling BASIC from machine code.
Most of these code fragments are extracted from Spectrum programs I have written. Some of these are available unsorted here.

Any of this code can be used in your own programs. If you use it in a commercial product, please acknowledge the source in the documentation.

Hosted by Force9 Internet - Domain registration by EasySpace - Authored by J.G.Harston
Last update: 10-Jul-2005