MDFS::Info.Comp.LCD Search

LCD Character Modules

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40x4 EA-Y40040AT

EPSON EA-Y40040AT (PN-A0019) 40x4

I bought this from a surplus electronics supplier in 1991 - I think it wasGreenweld. I believe it uses two Hitachi HD44780 clones, EPSON's SED1300.This is the information that came with it:
page01.txt 3K Product outline (page01.gif 88K scanned page)
page07.gif 66K Device block diagram
page09.gif 116K Electrical characteristics
page15.gif 47K Example interfacing diagrams
page17.txt 2K Pin connections, power and data (page17.gif 58K scanned page)
page18.txt 3K Pin connections, chip select and pinout (page18.gif 63K scanned page)
page19.gif 58K Pin connections, contrast adjustment
page21.txt 1K Command instruction set (page21.gif 75K scanned page)
BBC/LCD   Interfacing to the BBC


40x4 LCD Character Modules

I have found the following datasheets relevant to 40x4 LCDs:
dci404a.pdf 43K Two-page overview from DCI.
ks0070b.pdf 567K Fairly detailed information.
dci404a.gif 204K I have a papercopy of one page of this, but cannot find the original file. If you find acopy, I'd welcome being sent a link to it.
hd44780.txt 1K Standard HitatchiLCD control and interfacing.

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40x8 TLC-292A

TOSHIBA TLC-292A (ZQ8029-203) 40x8

I bought this Display Electronics in 2006.It didn't come with any documentation at all.


40x8 LCD Character Modules

I have found the following datasheets relevant to 40x8 LCDs:
nanya.txt 1K Nan Ya Plastics module pinout
tlx711a.txt 1K Toshiba TLX-711A.




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Last update: 18-Feb-2006