40x4 EA-Y40040AT | EPSON EA-Y40040AT (PN-A0019) 40x4I bought this from a surplus electronics supplier in 1991 - I think it wasGreenweld. I believe it uses two Hitachi HD44780 clones, EPSON's SED1300.This is the information that came with it: |
| 40x4 LCD Character ModulesI have found the following datasheets relevant to 40x4 LCDs:dci404a.pdf | 43K | Two-page overview from DCI. | ks0070b.pdf | 567K | Fairly detailed information. | dci404a.gif | 204K | I have a papercopy of one page of this, but cannot find the original file. If you find acopy, I'd welcome being sent a link to it. | hd44780.txt | 1K | Standard HitatchiLCD control and interfacing. |
40x8 TLC-292A | TOSHIBA TLC-292A (ZQ8029-203) 40x8I bought this Display Electronics in 2006.It didn't come with any documentation at all. |
| 40x8 LCD Character ModulesI have found the following datasheets relevant to 40x8 LCDs: |
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