
Econet Hardware Pictures

Clock1.jpg 47K
Acorn clock.

Clock2.jpg 62K
Acorn clock with lid removed.

Socket1.jpg 38K
Acorn Econet socket box.

Socket2.jpg 39K
Acorn Econet socket box with lid removed.

Term.jpg 44K
Acorn Econet terminator socket box with lid removed.

Bridge.jpg 32K
SJ Research Bridge. These are also capable of supplying a clock to one side of the bridge.

mdfs.jpg 53K
SJ Reserch Multiple Disk File Server.

Socket1.jpg 38K
SJ Research Econet socket box.

Socket1.jpg 34K
SJ Research Econet socket box with the lid removed.

1Socket.jpg 23K
Single Econet socket in an outlet plate.

4Socket.jpg 34K
Four way Econet socket in an outlet plate.

RASck1.jpg 25K
Right-angled Econet socket box.

RASck2.jpg 45K
Right-angled Econet socket box, showing how the cables plug in flush to the wall.

Hosted by Force9 Internet - Authored by J.G.Harston
Last update: 10-Jul-2006