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Balance Analysis of the 2008 Sheffield Elections

Gender Balance

The following table shows the gender balance of candidates for election to Sheffield City Council on 1st May 2008.
 Population LibDem* Labour Conservative Green Others All
Male candidates 48% 22 - 73% 17 - 57% 18 - 60% 19 - 68% 14 - 67% 90 - 65%
Males elected 11 - 65% 4 - 33% 0 - 0% 1 - 100% 0 - 0% 16 - 53%
Males Full Group 31 - 69% 22 - 61% 0 - 0% 2 - 67% 0 - 0% 55 - 65%
Female candidates 52% 8 - 27% 13 - 43% 12 - 40% 9 - 32% 7 - 33% 49 - 35%
Females elected 6 - 35% 8 - 67% 0 - 0 % 0 - 0% 0 - 0% 14 - 47%
Females Full Group 14 - 31% 14 - 39% 0 - 0% 1 - 33% 0 - 0% 29 - 35%
TOTAL candidates   30 30 30 28 21 139
TOTAL elected   17 - 57% 12 - 40% 0 - 0% 1 - 3% 0 - 0% 30
Total Full Group   45 - 54% 36 - 43% 0 - 0% 3 - 3% 0 - 0% 84
*NOTE: LibDem figures include the candidate for Burngreave who withdrew after nominations closed.

This year only Labour put together a slate of candidates anywhere close to matching the gender balance of the general population, and much better than 2004 when they had 69% male candidates. This may be related to their party rules that force local selection committees to select from a set of candidates that includes at least 1/3 women.

In 2004 the Green Party candidates almost perfectly matched the general population with a 51%:49% mix. This year over 2/3 of Green candidates were male. The LibDems have also slipped back; in 2004 69% of candidates were male, this year 73% were male. The Conservative Party have improved their mix going from 73% male candidates in 2004 to 60% this year.

The gender balance of those people elected was almost 1:1, with 53% males elected and 47% females. So, those elected match the population in general, but not the pool from which they were drawn - the balance of candidates was 65%:35%.

However, although the gender balance of candidates who stood for election does not match that of the population as a whole, the balance of the full council matches exactly the balance of those who stood for election. Condequently, the Full Council is representative of the gender balance of the pool of people that is was drawn from.

None of the political groups members matches the general population's gender balance, but each group is close to the pool it draws from, the candidates who stood for election. Each group's gender balance is near enough the same, being 69%, 61% and 67% male out of a Full Council of 65% male drawn from candidates also 65% male. This appears to be the most gender representative Council we have had since women were allowed to stand for election.

Ethnicity Balance

The following table shows the ethnic balance of candidates for election to Sheffield City Council on 10th June 2004.
 Population LibDem Labour Conservative Green Others All
Ethnic minorites, candidates 7% 5 - 16% 4 - 13% 2 - 7% 1 - 0.4% 0 - 0% 12 - 9%
Ethnic minorities, elected 0 0 0 0 0 0
Ethnic minorities, Full Group 2 - 4% 3 - 8% 0 - 0% 0 - 0% 0 - 0% 5 - 6%
As can be seen, both the Liberal Democrats and Labour again had a higher proportion of ethnic minority candidates than in the population as a whole. The Conservatives at 7% match the general population exactly, and is there best match ever, up from 2% in 2004. The ethnicity balance of all candidates is near enough of a match to the general population considering the small numbers.

However, no ethnic minority candidates were actually elected. None of the defending candidates were ethnic minorities, so the elections leaves the ethnic monrity balance unchanged. The ethnic minority of the Full Council as a whole is a near match to the general population - an increase of 1 would match 7% exactly. The LibDem group has slightly fewer and the Labour group slightly more than the population as a whole, but a change of 1 would match nearly exactly.

Leadership positions

  Male Female Ethnic Minority
Sheffield Population 48% 52% 7%
Full Council 55 - 65% 29 - 35% 5 - 6%
Labour Group 22 - 61% 14 - 39% 3 - 8%
Labour Shadow Cabinet members 7 - 64% 4 - 36% 0 - 0%
LibDem Group 31 - 69% 14 - 31% 2 - 4%
LibDem Cabinet members 17 - 71% 7 - 29% 1 - 4%
Ignoring rounding, both the Liberal Democrat Cabinet and the Labour Shadow Cabinet exactly matches the gender balance of the pools they are drawn from, the full political groups. The LibDem Cabinet's ethnic minority balance exactly matches the LibDem Group's ethnic minority balance; the Labour Shadow Cabinet has no ethnic minorities in it.
Hosted by Force9 Internet - Authored by J.G.Harston - Last update: 15-May-2008