Jean-Jaques Perrey Albums
- The In Sound From Way Out, Vanguard VS-79222, 1965.Cover
- Unidentified Flying Object
- Little Man From Mars
- Cosmic Ballard
- Swan's Splashdown
- Barnyard in Orbit
- Electronic Can-Can
- Spooks in Space
- Girl From Venus
- Jungle Blues From Jupiter
- Computer in Love
- Visa to the Stars
- Countdown at 6.
- Kaleidoscopic Vibrations: Spotlight on the Moog, Vanguard VSD-79264,19??.
- The Amazing New Electronic Pop Sound of Jean-Jacques Perrey,Vanguard VSD-79286, 196?.Cover
- Mary France
- The Little Ships
- Island in Space
- Mexican Cactus
- Porcupine Rock
- Brazilian Flower
- Gypsy in Rio
- Frere Jean Jaques
- Little Girl From Mars
- In The Heart of a Rose
- The Minuet of the Robots
- Four Three Two One
- Mister James Bond.
- Moog Indigo, Vanguard VSD-6549, 196?.Cover
- Soul City
- Gosspio Perpetuo
- The Rose and the Cross
- Cat in the Night
- Flight of the Bumblebee
- Moog Indigo
- E.V.A.
- Country Rock Polja
- The Elephant Never Forgets
- 18th Century Puppet
- Hello Dolly
- Passport to the Future.
- The Happy Moog with Harry Breuer, Pickwick SPC-3160.
- Dynamoog, CREA Sound Ltd, Canada 46.532
- Moog Sensations, Montparnasse 2000 MP-25
- Moog Expressions, Montparnasse 2000 MP-26
- Moog Vibrations, Montparnasse 2000 MP-27
- Moog Mig Mag Moog, Montparnasse 2000 MP-35
- Moog is Moog, Montparnasse 2000 MP-106
- Kartoonery, Montparnasse 2000 MP-131