This vector is only called by the operating system, and should not be called
directly. This list just shows the full list of calls that filing systems should implement.
Function |
&00 | *OPT X,Y
&01 | EOF on channel Y being checked with OSBYTE &7F. On exit, X=&FF if EOF, X=&00 otherwise. If Y=&00, (ie, EOF#0) action is implementation specific.
&02 | */ command. XY points to the command text.
&03 | Unrecognised OSCLI. XY points to the command text. The command has already been offered to the paged ROMs via service call &04, and none have responded.
&04 | *RUN command. XY points to filename.
&05 | *CAT command. XY points to any pathname.
&06 | A new filing system is about to take over. This call is generated by filing systems themselves before they start their initialisation.
&07 | File handle range request. Lowest returned in X, highest in Y.
&08 | OSCLI command being processed. This is used to facilitate the *ENABLE command.
&09 | *EX command. XY points to any pathname.
&0A | *INFO command. XY points to the object name.
&0B | *RUN from library. XY points to the filename.
&0C | *RENAME command. XY points to the object names after the command.