OSBYTE Perform general byte-wise function
| OSWORD Perform general function with control block
| OSWRCH Send a character to output stream
| OSWRCR Send a carriage return to output stream
| OSNEWL Send a newline sequence to output stream
| OSASCI Send an ascii sequence to output stream
| OSRDCH Wait for character from input stream
| |
| OSFILE Perform actions on whole files
| OSARGS Read or write information on open files and filing systems
| OSBGET Get a single byte from open file
| OSBPUT Put a single byte to open file
| OSGBPB Read or write blocks of data and information
| OSFIND Open or close a file
| FSCV Filing system control
| |
| GSREAD Read a character from string parser
| GSINIT Initialise general string parser
| OSEVEN Generate an event
| OSRDSC Read a byte from screen or ROM
| OSWRSC Write a byte to screen
| |
| FSNums Filing system numbers
| Handles Filing system handles
| ARGS_A Return values from OSARGS
| FileAccess File access byte explained
| ScanDir Scanning directories to read entries
| |
| Files
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |