is the Podule socket (0 - 3)
is the ROM socket number (1 - 6)
and is the device type (none, if not present)
To find the number of the Podule socket either look at the number printed on
the backplane or use the *PODULES command.
The other two sockets on the board, 7 and 8, are for RAM only. See the
chapter entitled Static RAM Upgrade for details on how to configure these.
The device type may take the following values:
128kbit (16kbyte) 10_128
256kbit (32kbyte) 10_256
512kbit (64kbyte) 10_512
1024kbit(128kbyte) 10_1024
The '10_' is used to denote an EPROM/ROM as opposed to RAM and is optional.
Each ROM socket is assumed to be empty. Hence, this command must be issued
for every EPROM/ROM on the Podule, including the ROM Manager EPROM. This is
a 128kbit EPROM which is fitted in ROM socket one, so if the ROM Podule is
fitted in Podule socket zero, type:
to configure this ROM. Failure to do so will result in the commands provided
by the ROM filing system not being available.
Repeat this procedure for each EPROM/ROM in turn and then press Ctrl-Break
to make the new configuration take effect. The ROM Podule configuration is
stored in the battery-backed CMOS RAM in the Archimedes so it is only
necessary to reconfigure it if:
* the ROM Podule is moved to a different Podule slot
* an extra device is added to the board
* an existing device is replaced by one of a different size
* an existing device is removed completely
* the configuration settings are lost, eg if the batteries are removed or an
R-power on is performed.
To check that the board has been fitted correctly type:
A list of the Podule slots, zero to three, is displayed, together with the
name of any Podule held in each slot. The ROM Podule should be declared as
being present in one of these slots. For example, if you only have the ROM
Podule fitted and you have placed it correctly in slot zero, the following
is displayed:
Podule 0 : ROM podule
Podule 1 : No installed podule
Podule 2 : No installed podule
Podule 3 : No installed podule
To check which files you have on the EPROMs/ROMs plugged into the ROM
Podule, type:
to select the ROM filing system (ROMFS). Then type:
to obtain a list of the names of the ROM files in order. For example, if you
have fitted VIEW 2.1 only, the following is displayed:
To check the configuration being held in CMOS RAM for each of the sockets
The following type of display should be obtained:
Podule 0
Device 1 = 64K byte EPROM
Device 2 = 16K byte EPROM
Device 3 = Empty socket
Device 4 = Empty socket
Device 5 = Empty socket
Device 6 = Empty socket
Device 7 = Empty socket
Device 8 = Empty socket
Some of the ROM-based software available for the 6502-based BBC
Microcomputers can be run using the ROM Podule and the 6502 Emulator. To run
a particular program, for example VIEW 2.1, follow the steps given below:
1 Install the ROM Podule and the VIEW ROM as described in the chapter
Installing EPROMS and ROMS.
2 Configure the system to recognise the ROM Manager and the VIEW ROM as
described in the chapter Configuring the System.
3 Place the Welcome Disc in drive 0 and type:
to select the Advanced Disc Filing System.
4 Type:
This loads and enters the 6502 Emulator running BASIC IV, producing a
screen display similar to the following:
6502 Emulator 0.82 (01 Jun 1987)
Acorn 6502 TOS 0.40 (11 Jun 1987)
5 Type:
*GO F800
This enters the ROM filing system and then enters the Emulator Command
Line Interpreter (CLI). The CLI prompt is displayed as follows:
6 Type:
GO 8000
This loads the VIEW code from the ROM into memory at address &8000 and
then executes the code starting at this address. The usual VIEW message
is given, for example:
No text
Editing No File
Screen Mode 0
Printer default
You can now use the VIEW word processor in the normal way.
The ROM filing system (ROMFS) supports filenames containing up to 64
characters. However, many commands within the rest of the operating system
restrict the length to ten.
A typical filename is, for example:
ROMFS does not have a true hierarchical directory structure but the effect
can be simulated through the use of filenames containing the fullstop
character. Thus, a filename can consist of a number of filename components
separated by fullstops, provided that the total length is less than 64
characters. For example:
refers to a file called 'circles' in the directory 'graphics'.
In cases such as this, each component of the filename should be restricted
to ten characters.
Nested directories can be created and a filename such as
'' could be used.
In commands which take a directory name as an argument, the following
characters have a special meaning:
Character Meaning
$ top level
& top level
@ all levels
Syntax: *ROM
This command selects ROMFS as the current filing system.
The following commands are recognised by all filing systems. However, some
of these commands attempt to write to files or perform operations on the
current or library directory. Since ROMFS is a read-only system and does not
have a true directory structure, use of these commands under ROMFS is
inappropriate and either produces an error message or has no effect.
In addition, ROMFS does not generally support wildcarding in filenames.
Unless it is specifically stated that wildcard characters may be used, the
'*' and '#' characters will not be interpreted as wildcards.
Under ROMFS only one file may be open at a time.
All commands are listed for completeness. Where their use is not supported
the effect of issuing them is stated. Otherwise, a full description of their
syntax and the effect of the command under ROMFS is described.
This command is accepted but ignored. All files under ROMFS have access
attributes LR (locked and readable) and directories have attributes DL
(directory and locked).
This command tries to write to ROMFS and therefore gives an error.
This command tries to write to ROMFS and therefore gives an error.
Syntax: *CAT []
*CAT displays a list of all objects in a directory. If no directory is
specified all objects are listed.
This command tries to write to ROMFS and therefore gives an error.
Syntax: *COUNT []
*COUNT adds up the sizes of all the files which match the wildcarded
specification given, provided that the file name contains no more than ten
characters. The options available are:
Option Default Description
C(onfirm) off prompt for confirmation of each count
R(ecurse) on count subdirectories and contents
V(erbose) off print information on each file counted
To reverse the effect type '~' before the option.
Syntax: *CLOSE
*CLOSE closes all files opened by ROMFS.
Syntax: *COPY []
*COPY copies files matching the specification of the first (source)
parameter, to the place specified by the second (destination) parameter.
Options may be given as follows:
Option Default Description
C(onfirm) on prompt for confirmation of each copy
D(elete) off delete the source after copy
F(orce) off force overwriting of existing objects
Q(uick) off use application workspace to speed transfer
V(erbose) on print information on each file copied
To reverse the effect type '~' before the option.
For example:
This command tries to write to ROMFS and therefore gives an error.
This command tries to write to ROMFS and therefore gives an error.
ROMFS does not have a true directory structure therefore this command gives
an error.
Syntax: *DUMP [ []]
*DUMP displays a hexadecimal and ASCII dump of the named file in the
following format:
address hexadecimal bytes ASCII characters
'.' is used to represent any non-printable characters.
The number of bytes displayed per line depends on the current window size;
for example, in an 80 column window, 16 bytes per line are displayed, in a
132 column window, 24 bytes per line are displayed.
The file offset specifies the point in the file at which the dump is to
start; this defaults to zero. The start address is used to determine the
address printed on each line of the display, and is the address which would
be displayed if the file offset were zero. If this is not present, then it
defaults to the load address of the file, unless the file is date/time
stamped, in which case it is taken to be zero.
Syntax: *ENUMDIR []
*ENUMDIR creates a new file and places in it a list of filenames. The name
of the new file is given in . Any file in the directory given is
only added to the list if it matches the wildcard pattern. '*' may be used
to denote any number of any characters and '#' any single character. The
default pattern is *.
Entries are separated by ASCII 10 (line feed) in the output file.
For example:
Syntax: *EX []
*EX displays file catalogue information for all objects in the directory
given. If no directory is specified all objects are listed. The information
supplied is as follows:
load address exec address length S.I.N. attributes filename
All values are given in hexadecimal notation. S.I.N. is the 'System Internal
Name' and is made up of the Podule number in the top byte and the start
address of the file in the lower three bytes.
For example:
FFFFFB40 899EC4A9 000590 00000000 LR ROMIT
Note that for 6502 ROMs the load and execution addresses are presented as
shown in the example above. The file type component is thus &BBC and this is
recognised by the 6502 Emulator.
Syntax: *EXEC []
*EXEC uses data from a named file, byte by byte, as though it were being
typed from the keyboard. Data from this source is taken in preference to
that from the current input stream, until the file is exhausted, when it is
closed. If no parameter is given to *EXEC then the current exec file is
closed. If another EXEC command is issued with a filename parameter, then
the current exec file is closed and the exec action continues with data from
the newly opened file.
Syntax: *INFO
*INFO displays the same filing system information as *EX but for a single
ROMFS does not support libraries, therefore this command gives an error.
ROMFS does not support libraries, therefore this command gives an error.
ROMFS does not support libraries, therefore this command gives an error.
Syntax: *LIST
*LIST displays the content of the named file in GSREAD format, in which:
· ASCII codes 32 to 126 (except solidus) are sent directly to the screen as
the corresponding character in the current mode.
· all ASCII codes other than newline or carriage return are displayed as
control code expansions, controlled by the current DumpFormat.
· Each line (ie sequence of ASCII codes terminated by a carriage return,
line feed or pairs of the above) is preceded by a line number, starting
from one.
Syntax: *LOAD []
*LOAD loads the specified file into memory. The address it is loaded at can
be specified as a hexadecimal (or other given base) value after the
filename. Otherwise, the load address supplied by the filing system will be
Syntax: *OPT