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Date   : Mon, 01 Oct 1984 00:50:00 CDT
From   : Eaton@HI-MULTICS.ARPA
Subject: zcpr3 bugs

I am experiencing severe difficulties trying to implement "named
directories" under ZCPR3.  I suspect that there is a bug in LDR v1.0 (27
Feb 84).  The logic at "setdata:" after the call to "getndr" appears

Also it appears as though the named directory buffer must be a multiple
of 256 bytes.  This is not mentioned in the installation procedures.

I have the command line buffer following the named directory buffer and
I think it is being overlayed by the named directory.

There was no source supplied for z3lib.rel or vlib.rel from SIG/M which
makes troubleshooting a bit more difficult.

MKDIR had to be re-assembled as the supplied com file wouldn't write the
NAMES.NDR file without aborting.

In order to link the utilities properly the following command was used
instead of the one specified on page 91 of the installation manual:

L80 /P:100,$1,Z3LIB/S,SYSLIB/S,$1/N/U/E

instead of:

L80 $1,Z3LIB/S,SYSLIB/S,$1/N,/U,/E

THREE extra zeroes were placed at the beginning of the utility if the
recommended L80 command string was used from page 91.

If someone could shed some light on the above it would be greatly

Please send explicit mail as I cannot ftp from simtel20.


Jesse (not as easy as it should be) Eaton


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