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Date   : Wed, 26 Sep 1984 11:01:35 EDT
From   : Robert Lee Feider (CTAB) <lee@BRL-BMD.ARPA>

     I have used a model 4p, running CP/M, about 6 months ago so my memory
may be failing me. I don't remember having the problem you describe. I had
a copy of CP/M plus for the model 4 and the disk booted right up in CP/M
on the 4p without having to go through TRSDOS. Unfortunately I don't have
that machine anymore since it was loaned to me to do some program development
for a client. I do remeber having problems with one of the setup utilities
(cursor type (blinking,not blinking) etc.) but nothing as serious as not
being able to boot up or anything like that. If you could be more specific
as to the problems that occur when it does boot perhaps it may jog my memory
as to what may have also happened to me when using that machine with CP/M

PS: Sorry I can't be of any help but I am confused by the symptoms you
    described having never encountered them.
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