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Date   : Thu, 09 Aug 1984 13:16:10-PDT (Thu)
From   : ihnp4!mgnetp!burl!clyde!watmath!utzoo!dciem!king@UCB-VAX.ARPA
Subject: Bubble memory problem (still)

	Firstly, I'd like to thank those people who mailed me advice
regarding my problem with the bubble memory. Your comments were greatly
appreciated, but I still cannot PIP to the bubbles from disk.

	Here's a synopsis;:

1) The driver software for the bubble is patched directly into the BIOS.
System calls are screened to see if the bubble is being accessed, and if
so a jump is made to the appropriate routine. This works just fine.

2) I have tried filling the bubble memory entirely with 0xe5; this was
necessary as even DIR would not work without a BAD SECTOR error. DIRI can
now load a program, exit to cp/m and SAVE the program in the bubble, and
have the program appear on a directory. Furthermore, I can load the program
back from the bubble and run it with no problem.

3) I have double checked the DPH and DPB for the bubble but can see no
problem there. The fact that STAT DSK: works for the bubble seems to 
indicate that the parameter header and block are OK.

4) I can use ED to create a file in the bubble memory only if I specify
the new file name as a command trailer. Entering ED (cr) causes an error,

5) PIP, when attempted, responds with the message - NOFILE = aA:xxxx.COM,
(where xxxx is the name of the file to be copied), yet STAT assures me
that I have space left in the bubble pack.

	Can anyone point out where the problem may lieie - in the BIOS, in
PIP or wherever?
				Thanks in advance,
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