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Date   : Thu, 12 Jul 1984 07:41:00 MDT (Thu)
From   : Keith Petersen <W8SDZ@Simtel20.ARPA>
Subject: MEX review - MEX-RVW.TXT

Relayed from RCPM Royal Oak...


MEX10 is yet another modem program....and for those using MDM7, there arises
the question "What does MEX offer that MDM7 doesn't already have, or that you
don't need anyway?"  There is a great deal of truth there, but as a dedicated
MDM7 user, I offer the following comments after just a few days of using MEX.
First, I'm already convinced that MEX is the most powerful modem program I've
come across.  MDM7 is excellent, but doesn't begin to offer the power and 
flexibility that MEX offers.  Probably the most exciting area is the dynamic
ability to change program paramaters  very easily in real time, and command
line processing with simple command files. As an example (very simple), the 
following one line file (much like a submit file) will with a single command
entry (get FILE.QQQ), do the following:

MEX] A0>>GET FILE.QQQ			;entered command
MEX] A0>>SENDOUT XMODEM S FILE.QQQ	;MEX sends out request
(WAITS FOR REPLY)			;remote system responds (XMODEM...etc)
MEX] A0>>R FILE.QQQ			;MEX sets up receive 
B0>					;back to remote system!!!    

Here is the one line file that does all this  (GET.MEX):


Those who have used submit files will appreciate the parameters {n}.

A file for transfering library member files is just slightly more complicated.

MEX] A0>>GETL NAME.LBR NAME.MBR		;Single command (the name GETL is
					;arbitrary..and is filename that
					;contains the following text)
SENDOUT "XMODEM L {1} {2}";*R {2}	;MEX command file

These command files can be used for many purposes, and can change operating
parameters for particular systems called (even such things as parity, stop 
bits, etc for particular systems).  

All this flexibility is not without its price, however!  As is always the 
case, increased power and flexibility also leads to increased complexity.
Thats a polite way of saying that MEX is not for the beginner.  The array of
commands and variables under the control of the operator in real time is
more than a little overwhelming at first.  Also, there are many people who
will never need all the power and flexibility offered, and will find the
much simpler to use MDM7 satisfies all their needs.  MEX  is of most value 
to those who need its greatly increased power for non-typical uses 
(main-frame com., etc) or those who will enjoy  the use of a "sports car" 
and the programming challenge it offers.

Just one man's opinion.....

							Norman Beeler
							Sunnyvale, Ca   
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