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Date   : Mon, 11 Jun 1984 23:16:00-EDT
From   : Keith Petersen <W8SDZ@Mit-Mc.ARPA>

I picked this up on the Sysop Clearinghouse RCPM last night.

     MEX-EASY.DOC         05/20/84         STEVE SANDERS

So  you  got  MEX10  and can't quite figure out  what  steps  are 
necessary to input the phone numbers and such...

Well,  you are not alone!   I have most of it figured out after a 
week of playing with it and will pass on what little I do know.


From  the  MEX prompt enter "PHONE  id=number", like this:

          [MEX] A0>>phone a=1-555-111-1111


          [MEX] A0>>phone alan=997-0020

The "id" string may be up to twelve characters or as few as one.

By entering "PHONE" now, the following will be displayed:

          [MEX] A0>>phone

          A       = 1-555-111-1111
          ALAN    = 997-0020

The simplest way to enter a pre-done library is to make up a file 
to be "READ" in by MEX.   Use Wordstar in non-doc mode and edit a 
file called PHONE.PHN, enter the following:

PHONE A=1-555-111-1111
PHONE ALAN=997-0020
PHONE id=numbers
PHONE etc...

Fill in as many as you want up to a maximum of 30 numbers.   Then 
bring up MEX and enter:

          [MEX] A0>>read phone.phn

You  will then see MEX "read" in each of the phone command  lines 
until  it  reaches the end of the phone.phn file.   You  may  now 
check the newly installed phone library by entering:

          [MEX] A0>>phone

To make this new library a permanent part of your MEX,  just  use 
the  CLONE  command now to copy an image of MEX from memory  with 
the library installed:

          [MEX] A0>>clone mex1.com

You will now have a new file called MEX1.COM which will have  the 
phone library already in it.  


When MEX is first brought up,  it is pre-set to look for the file 
called INI.MEX.  This file contains commands to be READ in to MEX 
when  it  is  first initialized.   This is very  similar  to  the 
STARTUP  command  under  ZCPR2 which also holds  a  multi-command 
statement  to  be executed after a cold  boot.   You  may  create 
INI.MEX  with  Wordstar in non-doc mode and include  any  "legal" 
MEX10 command line.  Such as:

          GLOBAL T;ID "[ MY-MEX ] ";CAL A

The form of the file is:   command;command;command

Each "legal" MEX command MUST BE seperated by semicolons.

This  would make the return to terminal (T) mode default after  a 
file "R"eceive or "S"end operation;  change the ID string to read 
"[ MY-MEX ]"  rather  than "[MEX]";  and automatically  dial  the 
number associated with the id "A".

... Or,  you can  forget  INI.MEX  altogether and  just receive a 
"Can't find INI.MEX" error message on initialization.  Which does 
not hurt anything,  it just indicates that the file is not on the 
current drive/user if SEARCH = 0.


Just as MDM7xx has a CTRL-L logon, you can set one up in MEX much 
the same way.   Once in "T"erminal mode,  the only escape back to 
command  state is with a CTRL-J followed by an "E".   A  complete 
menu  of  escape "CTRL-J" functions is seen by entering a  CTRL-J 
followed by a "?" from Terminal mode.

Any other ASCII key character is a "legal" definable key that can 
be  used in Terminal mode for special functions.   To set up  the 
"L" key the same as the logon key in MDM7xx, enter:

          [MEX] A0>>key l="firstname;lastname^M"

NOTE:  The carat "^" indicates a CTRL key and ^M is the same as a 
       carriage return.   It MUST be inside the quote marks  that 
       define the keystring entered.

Now  once  you are connected with the remote system and  wish  to 
send your logon in, simply enter a CTRL-J followed by an "L".

If  you attempt to specify one of the characters that is  already 
used as a Terminal mode command an error is returned.   Also note 
that  MEX will always prompt you with a "Syntax error" message if 
the command you are trying to enter is illegal.


MEX has an extensive on-line HELP facility if the HELP.MEX is  on 
the  current drive/user along with your MEX.COM file.   From  the 
MEX prompt enter:

          [MEX] A0>>help ?

The  complete  list of help files available is  displayed.   Then 
just enter HELP followed by the command name desired:

          [MEX] A0>>help call

This would list the help info for the auto-dial command CAL


The SENDOUT command is used in .MEX files for automatic operation 
of MEX.COM with the remote host system.  The SENDOUT command will 
send a string out the modem port (hence the name  SENDOUT).   You 
can  specify  a  prefix  and a suffix  for  all  SENDOUT  strings 
allowing  real flexibility.   Most commonly used would be a  null 
string for the prefix and a "^M" (carriage return) as the suffix.
The prefix and suffix can be set by INI.MEX at startup or defined 
by  you  after MEX is up and running.   Type HELP PREFIX or  HELP 
SUFFIX for full info on this.

If  you  know the DIRectory of the system you  are  calling,  you 
can build a file like this:


After connecting with the host system,  signing in,  and entering 
the CP/M system - use CTRL-J then E to get to command prompt.
Let's say this file is called AUTO.MEX, use the following:

          [MEX] A0>>read auto.mex

MEX  will now send the commands to the host system to XMODEM  the 
three  files  listed  above  in the  SENDOUT  commands  and  then 
initiates  the "R"eceive mode and save all 3  files.   When  it's 
done,  MEX  will disconnect from the host (DSC),  and exit MEX to 
your CP/M operating system.

I  think  you can see the possibilities here  are  endless.   The 
above  sequence could have been performed UNATTENDED.   This  can 
save  you a lot of $$$ on long distance charges if you know  what 
files you want in advance.

There are many more commands than the ones I have described here, 
but  this should get you started in the  right  direction.   Just 
remember  that  MEX  can be as simple as as  complicated  as  you 
desire.  It is a great program and will get even better.

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