Date : Wed, 06 Jun 1984 20:19:43 EDT
From : Charlie Strom (NYU) <strom@Brl-Bmd.ARPA>
Subject: S-100 IBM PC graphic boards
I have heard of two S-100 boards that are supposed to emulate the IBM PC
graphics "standard". One, a CompuPro board, was supposed to be exhibited at
Comdex. Did anyone actually see this board? I understand that the Lomas board
more imminent, perhaps a month away from appearing on dealers' shelves,
and that there will be two versions, the lower cost one being strictly
IBM PC compatible, the fancy one offering a mode with twice the resolution
as well. The Lomas boards will supposedly have a keyboard port for a
Keytroncs (IBM) keyboard, and net single piece cost for the lower cost
version (discounted, not list) is on the order of $300.
Can anyone shed any more light on this subject? Assuming one installs
such a beast in an 8088-based S-100 system, what good is it if one
is not running MSDOS or PCDOS? The other obvious question is whether
there will be any provision to transfer software from PC disks to 8"
or other 5" formats. At first blush it sounds like an interesting idea,
but without CCPM with PCMODE, I am not clear what if anything such
a board will buy me. Any thoughts would be welcome.