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Date   : Tue, 05 Jun 1984 12:26:33 EDT
From   : Bob Clements <clements@bbn-cd.arpa>
Subject: Xerox 820 and Packet Radio BBS

This message announces the availability of a new batch of files in
the SIMTEL20 archive. The complete package makes up a Mailbox
and Bulletin Board system for Packet Radio, and a subset of the
files are useful for any Xerox 820 owner.

The files are in the directory MICRO:<CPM.PACKET>.
The list of files and their CRCs follows. Here is a very
brief summary:

The files XRXP*.* are a commented disassembly of the version 2
boot PROMs for the Xerox 820.

The XBOOT.* and XSBIOS.* files are the bootstrap block and a BIOS
for a CP/M or CP/M-clone system for the Xerox 820. [The CP/M
itself is not included in this package, being copyrighted.
It can be any standard 60K system, the CCP starts at D400.]

The remaining files are a bulletin board system for use with a
Packet Radio station using a TAPR TNC. It can be used for simply
talking to your TNC and sending/receiving files, if you don't
want to become a packet SYSOP.

This Mailbox is currently running at W0RLI, K1BC and K1OJH,
all here in Boston on 145.01.

Start with the READ.ME and the FILES.TNC files to see if you are
interested in the Mailbox, and see also the XRXP.DOC file for
notes on the 820 PROMs.

The PROM disassembly is my work, but the rest is the work of
Hank Oredson, W0RLI. He is not on either ARPANET or Usenet,
so I am posting these for him. I will relay comments and
questions to him. You call also reach him by US Mail at his
address which is in some of the files (TNC.ASM, for one).

And finally, thanks to Keith Petersen for helping me through some
cockpit errors and software recalcitrance in getting the files
uploaded to the net.

Filename			Type	 Bytes	 Sectors     CRC

CALLS.HRD.1			ASCII	  1771   14 =   EH  A2DFH
CONFIG.TNC.1			ASCII	   743    6 =   6H  9DE6H
CPMDEFS.LIB.1			ASCII	  1836   15 =   FH  C205H
DISKDEF.LIB.1			ASCII	  6229   49 =  31H  2FD6H
DOC.TNC.1			ASCII	  2078   17 =  11H  94E0H
EXTDIR.LIB.1			ASCII	  7402   58 =  3AH  79E8H
FILES.TNC.1			ASCII	  1537   13 =   DH  7C07H
HELP.TNC.1			ASCII	   611    5 =   5H  9A2CH
INIT.COM.1			COM	  1152    9 =   9H  6F79H
INIT.HEX.1			ASCII	  2824   23 =  17H  78D7H
MAKESYS.COM.1			COM	  3456   27 =  1BH  706CH
MAKESYS.HEX.1			ASCII	  8433   66 =  42H  F795H
MBDEFS.LIB.1			ASCII	   972    8 =   8H  C99FH
MULDIV.LIB.1			ASCII	  6412   51 =  33H  467DH
READ.ME.1			ASCII	  2055   17 =  11H  5ECEH
SETUP.TNC.1			ASCII	   919    8 =   8H  30D3H
SPEC.TNC.1			ASCII	  9701   76 =  4CH  628FH
SYSDEFS.LIB.1			ASCII	  4366   35 =  23H  8526H
TNC.ASM.1			ASCII	 31086  243 =  F3H  B448H
TNC.COM.1			COM	  9472   74 =  4AH  DD0EH
TNC.HEX.1			ASCII	 25830  202 =  CAH  4DDDH
TNC.LIB.1			ASCII	  5715   45 =  2DH  92A9H
TODO.TNC.1			ASCII	  1363   11 =   BH  9075H
UNTANGLE.ASM.1			ASCII	  1895   15 =   FH  273DH
UNTANGLE.COM.1			COM	  2048   16 =  10H  4905H
UNTANGLE.HEX.1			ASCII	  5006   40 =  28H  1443H
XBOOT.ASM.1			ASCII	   839    7 =   7H  F5B6H
XBOOT.HEX.1			ASCII	   357    3 =   3H  A1AEH
XRXLIB.LIB.1			ASCII	  1729   14 =   EH  CA98H
XRXP.DOC.1			ASCII	  1931   16 =  10H  AC78H
XRXPDEF.MAC.1			ASCII	  5879   46 =  2EH  FA62H
XRXPH.MAC.1			ASCII	 11466   90 =  5AH  A0A1H
XRXPL.MAC.1			ASCII	 37554  294 = 126H  4C20H
XSBIOS.ASM.1			ASCII	  5636   45 =  2DH  519BH
XSBIOS.HEX.1			ASCII	  2470   20 =  14H  2BB9H
Z80.LIB.1			ASCII	  1157   10 =   AH  3646H

[* Everything is probably a trademark of somebody.]


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