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Date   : Tue, 17 Apr 1984 09:40:00-PST (Tue)
From   : pur-ee!uiucdcs!ea!mwm@Ucb-Vax.ARPA
Subject: Re: C for small machines

I don't know about you, but the version of C/80 I got (I think it was 2.0)
was a dog. Printf (among other things) was broken, and the code was
unreadable (nuts - the code was something I wouldn't want to look at
anywhere near a meal). This didn't bother me - after all, nothing hits the
market with all the bugs worked out.

What DID bother me was the response I got back from the Software Toolworks
when I called them about it. Something along the lines of "I may look at
it if I find the time. Try buying the new versions when they come out. And
don't call again." That bothered me no end. It still does. If I can't get
support for a product, it's not suitable for professional use, no matter
how good it is otherwise.

To try and shed some light (along with the heat from above), I've heard
some very good things about qc 3. Yet another Small-C derivative, it
comes with full source, and a well-written manual explaining that source.
Last time I looked, it had everything but bit fields and structure
initialization. Supposedly, the struct initializers were going to go in
soon, but I never got back to them about it.  I haven't purchased a copy,
but have spoken to the The Code Works people.  It's only $100, and I would
consider it if you think C/80 might be useful.

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