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Date   : Tue, 10 Apr 1984 22:59:00-EST
From   : ABN.ISCAMS@Usc-Isid.ARPA
Subject: MBASIC Printer/Console Switching

(And if you aren't hacking in BASIC and CP/M any more -- purge this thing!)

How often have you wished you could find an easy way to switch your
BASIC to direct PRINT statements to the printer or the console as
you or the user desires, without the typical


This sure can get tiresome - I have some programs that permit the user
to elect screen display and/or printer display, and perhaps 1/3
of the code is that sort of redundancy!

The one-page article in "Programmer's Guide to CP/M" (Creative
Computing Press, Morris Plains NJ, 1982), entitled "Choosing Between
CRT & Printer Output" gave me hope, but the bloody Sample Program
just wouldn't work!

I suspect some problems with the POKEing and PEEKing being limited to
one byte and returning an integer between -32768 and +32768.  I KNOW
the BASIC-80 manual says the Extended and Disk versions permit POKEing
and PEEKing integers in the range 0 to 65536, but damned if mine will!
Try POKEing a large value (like 60000 or so) anywhere, and then PEEK at
the same place (if you get that far), and you'll see what I mean.

The following little piece of code can be patched into your BASIC
programs.  It'll find YOUR Console Out and List Out jumps in your
BIOS jump table (using the BIOS jump table location found at 0001 and
0002 of CP/M), and will plug them in to the appropriate place in BASIC.

I got this idea from CPM-PERT.BAS, out at SIMTEL20's Public Domain
library in MICRO:<CPM.BASIC>.  Unfortunately the location of the Call
to Console Out for Microsoft BASIC-80 Version 5.21 is different from my
Version 5.1.  However both values are given below.

If it doesn't work, use DDT's T(race) utility to track through your
MBASIC as it initializes its BIOS calls.  It takes about 50 or so steps,
but eventually you'll see a series of moving bytes from high memory (in
my system the EA00h area) into D and E , XCHGing them, and SPHLing them
to a serious of locations in the 4100h area.  The LAST one of this series
of very similar storage moves will be the storing of LIST (list device out),
and the NEXT to last one will be the CONOUT (console out) jump.  Watch
where BASIC stores that BIOS CONOUT location -- that's the location of
BASIC's CONOUT call.  (Sorry - a little hard to explain DDT's T(race)
function; you gotta see it to believe it!)  Never had much use for the T
function, but found it handy this time.

If you know the location of your BIOS jump table's jumps to CONOUT and
LIST, that alone won't be enough.  BASIC doesn't use the location of
the JMP in the BIOS jump table itself, but the address of that JMP!
Saves one JMP, but kind of tricky unless you know what to expect!
I didn't mess with that with my PEEKs and POKEs - just used the actual
JMP in the jump table itself.

Have fun - hope this works OK for you.  It sure is saving me a lot of
redundant BASIC code, and the sheer bloody elegance of BASIC looking
at CP/M, and then poking itself a new belly button really tickles me!

David Kirschbaum, Toad Hall
7573 Jennings Lane, Fayetteville NC 28303  (919)868-3471/396-6862

130 '== Locate CONOUT (console out) and LIST in CP/M BIOS Jump Table =
140 '
150 ' Location of warm boot in BIOS jump table can be found at bytes 0001
160 ' (Least Significant Byte, LSB), and 0002 (Most Significant Byte, MSB).
170 '
180 COUT1% = PEEK(1) : COUT2% = PEEK(2)	'get LSB and MSB of warm boot jump
190 COUT1% = COUT1% + 9	'bump up 9 bytes from warm boot to COUT
200   IF COUT1% < 256 THEN 220		'no need to increase MSB
210 COUT2% = COUT2% + 256 : COUT1% = COUT1% - 256	'inx MSB, dx LSB
220 LST2% = COUT2% : LST1% = COUT1% + 3	'bump up 3 bytes from COUT to LIST
230   IF LST1% < 256 THEN 280		'no need to increase MSB
240 LST2% = LST2% + 256 : LST1% = LST1% - 256		'inx MSB, dx LSB
290 CONOUT% = &H41B8	'Loc in MBASIC 5.1 of call to CONOUT
300 '			 (value for MBASIC 5.21 is &H41E4)

				- - - - - - - -
           Here's where you switch the printer/console display

390 PRINT "Do you want a HARD-COPY record?  (Y/N):  ";
410   IF HC$<>"Y" AND HC$<>"N" THEN PRINT "ERROR!  Try again.":GOTO 390

				- - - - - - - -
       Here's where you switch BASIC's CALL to CONOUT to the LIST device

620   IF HC$<>"Y" THEN 660
630 POKE CONOUT%, LST1% : POKE CONOUT%+1, LST2%		'Turn printer on
640 PRINT "This should be a hardcopy printout on your printer."
650 POKE CONOUT%, COUT1% : POKE CONOUT%+1, COUT2%	'Turn console back on
660 PRINT "This should be a display on your CRT."

- - - - - - - -

800 END
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