Date : Sat, 03 Mar 1984 02:23:00-EST
From : Jerry E. Pournelle <POURNE@mit-mc>
Subject: new Kaypro IV
Apologies to those on info-mac also.
Kaypro IV 1984 model now available. Neat. 4 mhz z-80, built-in
modem, nice screen, character set from the 10 (clean and nice),
2 serial and one centronics ports.
Still no 8" disk connector (but there's an after market source)
for that as well as for an external video connector).
Usual ton of software: Perfect everything, WordStar, Microsoft
Basic, CBASIC, SBASIC (compiled structured; not bad if a bit
obscure syntax at times; true local variables, etc.) Chang Labs
spreadsheet. Costs more than the older IV, but in my judgment
worth it. Good beginning writer's machine.