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Date   : Sun, 15 Jan 1984 23:36:00-PST (Sunday)
From   : Tony Li <Tli@usc-eclb>
Subject: Function 37

All right, if were really going to discuss this, let me give you a
copy of my source.  The following is the description of Function 37
from the CCP/M-86 manual.  Admittedly, this isn't the same as the CP/M
2.2 filesystem, but I would be surprised if there were any significant
differences.  Anyhow:


		Reset Specified Disk Drives

	Entry Parameters:

		Register CL : 025H (37)
			 DX : Drive Vector

	Returned Values:

			 AL : Return Code
			 BL : Same as AL

The DRV_RESET system call is used to programmatically restore
specified removable media drives to the reset state (a reset drive is
not logged in and is in Read-Write status). [Presumably there are no
files open on a drive which is not logged in. - Tony]  The passed
parameter in register DX is a 16-bit vector of drives to be reset,
where the least significant bit corresponds to drive A, and the
high-order bit corresponds to the sixteenth drive, labelled P.  Bit
values of 1 indicate that the specified drive is to be reset.  Refer
to Section 2.17 [CCP/M-86 1.0 Programmers Guide] for more information
regarding the use of this system call.

This system call is conditional under Concurrent CP/M-86.  If another
process has a file open on any of the drives to be reset, the
DRV_RESET system call is denied, and none of the drives are reset.

Upon return, if the reset operation is successful, DRV_RESET sets
register AL to 00H.  Otherwise, it sets register AH to 0FFH.  If the
BDOS Error mode is not in Return Error mode (refer to the F_ERRMODE
system call), the system displays an error message at the console
identifying the process owning the first open file that caused the
DRV_RESET request to be denied.

Section 2.17 goes on to stipulate that "If all the open files on a
removable drive belong to the calling process, the process is said to
'own' the drive.  In this case, the file system performs a qualified
reset on the drive and returns a successful result.  This means that
the next time a process accesses this drive, the BDOS performs the
log-in operation only if it detects a media change on the drive."

Conclusion: In the safest case, one should close all files before
performing a DRV_RESET.  However, if you do not, and your BIOS is
somewhat flakey about detecting a media change (or your hardware is),
you might not get the reset.  This would probably result in
destruction of the newly inserted media, as has been described by JEP.

Tony ;-)
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