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Date   : Sat, 19 Nov 1983 18:15:00 EST
From   : Keith Petersen <W8SDZ@mit-mc>
Subject: SD-77 now available

The latest version of SD is now available on SIMTEL20 as:

  MICRO:<CPM.DIRUTL>SD.77ASM   (source  code)
                    SD.77COM   (COM file stored in ITS binary format)
                    SD.77DOC   (complete documentation)
                    SD.77INF   (short description of features)

SD-77 works automatically with any number of disk drives, up to
16.  If a disk has been left out of a drive, the program passes
that drive and continues.  It can be intentionally set to work
with a specified number of drives, however.


B>SD  $U4ADL		(etc.)

A  -  All user areas allowed, usually 0-15, less on RCPM systems
C  -  Clear screen (if activated for your CRT)
D  -  All disks starting with 1st available (usually A:)
F  -  Makes a file called DISKMENU.DIR automatically
L  -  Library list option
N  -  No pagination, keeps scrolling if more than one full page
P  -  Printer option - lists to printer
R  -  Reset disk (perhaps a new one installed)
S  -  Shows system files (otherwise doesn't)
V  -  Shows date, version number
U8 -  Start with user 8

Using the $D option now automatically starts on the 1st available
drive (usually A:) drive regardless what drive you were on when you
started.  It then checks all available drives.  Similiarly, using
the $A option will now always start with User 0, unless entered as
$UnA - where n is a valid user number above zero.

     The most significant improvement concerns the ability of SD
to search a range  of drives (and/or user areas) for a specified
file.  This capability is patterned after FILE.COM.  Using the D
option automatically starts  searching on drive A and all subse-
sequent available  drives,  no  matter what drive  was  in  use.
Additionally, using  the A option will start the search in  user
area 0, even if the current user area is higher.

     Any number of drives may be used without resetting any part
of the program.  If a disk is not inserted in a particular drive
the program passes that drive and continues checking the rest of
the available drives.

     Files  may be  shown in vertical  or  horizontal  listings,
although  this  must be set when the program is assembled for  a
particular system.

     SD-77  has support for  .LBR files,  (an "L" option to list
their  member  files);  and support for the NZCPR/ZCPR2  "WHEEL"
byte option. (SD-77.COM set up for ZCPR2 use with WHEEL at 3EH.)
Size of library  member files  are shown in 'k'.

     Note  that you don't  really have  to be running  NZCPR  or
ZCPR2 to use the wheel byte feature, just get the WHEEL  program
and add code to BYE to make sure  WHEEL byte  is cleared  when a
remote user logs on, (before entering CP/M).

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