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Date   : Thu, 03 Nov 1983 22:49:00 EST
From   : Allan D. Plehn <PLEHN@mit-mc>
Subject: BASIC Program to generate "by-area code" files from PAMS list.

I've modified the program that you and Jim Petersen wrote, so that it
is easier to use-no editing required.  Here is the modified program
(original line numbering preserved):

10 REM		PAMSAREA.BAS ver. 1.0, 9/8/83
11 'Modified by Al Plehn 3 Nov 1983.  "INPUT" statements added so
12 'that the program can be used without need to edit it for each
13 'new area code.
20 REM by James Petersen, WD8CLE and Keith Petersen, W8SDZ
30 REM This program is for use with OTHERSYS (Bill Blue's PAMS list)
40 REM to make an output file which contains the phone numbers of
50 REM only a single area code.  It was used to make AREA-313.BBS
60 REM on this system.  Written for Microsoft Basic-80 ver. 5.x
65 INPUT "What is the name of the input file?", INFILE$
66 INPUT "For what Area Code?",AREACODE$
90 PRINT #2,"         Extracted from Bill Blue's latest PAMS list"
100 PRINT #2,""
120 LINE INPUT #1,A$
130 L=INSTR(1,A$,"("+AREACODE$+")")
140 IF L<>0 THEN PRINT #2,A$
150 WEND
160 PRINT #2,""
170 PRINT #2,"        *  denotes 24-hour operation"
180 PRINT #2,"        +  denotes 8-12 hour DAYTIME operation ONLY"
190 PRINT #2,"        -  denotes 8-12 hour NIGHTTIME operation ONLY"
200 PRINT #2,"        !  new system or new number to existing system"
210 PRINT #2,"        $  Supports VADIC 1200 baud operation"
220 PRINT #2,"        &  Supports 212A 1200 baud operation"
230 PRINT #2,"        %  Supports BAUDOT operation"
240 PRINT #2,"       #1  denotes original system of that type"
250 PRINT #2,"       dd. denotes game oriented messages"
260 PRINT #2,"       dl. download/program exchange system"
270 PRINT #2,"       ml. mail/information exchange only"
280 PRINT #2,"       rb. denotes call, let ring once and call back"
290 PRINT #2,"       rl. religious orientation"
310 INPUT "Do you want an output file for another area code?",REPLY$
320 IF LEFT$(REPLY$,1)="Y" OR LEFT$(REPLY$,1)="y" THEN 66

If one does not wish to fool around with MBASIC, and you need just a
printed list by area code, try this instead:

	FP (703) BYNAME.PAM  ...to get a list for area code 703, for
				example, from the PAMS list called

FP, of course, is that wonderful utility called findpattern
but named simply FP.COM.  I find it very useful for scanning
disk files for patterns (it prints the whole line on which the
pattern is found).  It even accepts wildcard filespecs so you
can search all the files on a disk with one command.

			Al Plehn

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