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Date   : Sun, 30 Oct 1983 19:15:00 EDT
From   : Keith Petersen <W8SDZ@mit-mc>
Subject: Extracting specific area codes from PAMS list

Bill Blue's "PAMS" list of all known public access message and file
transfer systems is very useful, but I have had several requests
recently for a way to extract specific area code entries.  I don't
normally send source code via netmail, but since this is short and
quite a few people wanted it, I make an exception.  It's a good
study in how to use Microsoft Basic to scan an ASCII file for any
specific string and write out these lines to an output file.

10 REM		PAMSAREA.BAS ver. 1.0, 9/8/83
20 REM by James Petersen, WD8CLE and Keith Petersen, W8SDZ
30 REM This program is for use with OTHERSYS (Bill Blue's PAMS list)
40 REM to make an output file which contains the phone numbers of
50 REM only a single area code.  It was used to make AREA-313.BBS
60 REM on this system.  Written for Microsoft Basic-80 ver. 5.x
70 OPEN "I",1,"OTHERSYS.SEP":REM Put input filename here
80 OPEN "O",2,"AREA-313.BBS":REM Put your area code in place of 313
90 PRINT #2,"         Extracted from Bill Blue's latest PAMS list"
100 PRINT #2,""
120 LINE INPUT #1,A$
130 L=INSTR(1,A$,"(313)"):REM Put your area code in place of 313
140 IF L<>0 THEN PRINT #2,A$
150 WEND
160 PRINT #2,""
170 PRINT #2,"        *  denotes 24-hour operation"
180 PRINT #2,"        +  denotes 8-12 hour DAYTIME operation ONLY"
190 PRINT #2,"        -  denotes 8-12 hour NIGHTTIME operation ONLY"
200 PRINT #2,"        !  new system or new number to existing system"
210 PRINT #2,"        $  Supports VADIC 1200 baud operation"
220 PRINT #2,"        &  Supports 212A 1200 baud operation"
230 PRINT #2,"        %  Supports BAUDOT operation"
240 PRINT #2,"       #1  denotes original system of that type"
250 PRINT #2,"       dd. denotes game oriented messages"
260 PRINT #2,"       dl. download/program exchange system"
270 PRINT #2,"       ml. mail/information exchange only"
280 PRINT #2,"       rb. denotes call, let ring once and call back"
290 PRINT #2,"       rl. religious orientation"

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