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Date   : Tue, 26 Jul 1983 10:07:38-EDT
From   : dudley@nadc
Subject: getting MODEM903 to work

The following is most of a letter that I wrote to someone today
who asked me for help on getting his VT180 up with modem7.  The
resulting treatise turned into such a magnum opus that I decided
to post it to the net so that the novices among us would have some
quick information available to them.  If you already know all about
ftp'ing com files and lbr and sq and usq and itscvt then skip the
rest of this:

	MODEM903 is a version of MODEM797 and MDM707 that includes
a version for the VT180.  It works perfectly, too!  To get this
wonderful thing, here is what you must do: (this is all for Berkeley Unix
and may have to be modified is your host is something else.)

1.	ftp mit-mc	;ring up the mit-mc machine

2.	get 'AR13:CPM;ITSCVT HEX' itscvt.hex	;get an ascii image of
			;this Intel Hex format program.

3.	get 'AR13:CPM;LDIR 211HEX' ldir.hex	;get this while at it

4.	get 'AR13:CPM;LU 211HEX' lu.hex		;and this too
3.	type local	;this causes binary transfers, but with appropriate
			;conversions between word lengths of the DEC 10 at
			;mit-mc and my vax.  Your command for this may
			;differ.  Consult local system guru, or experiment.

4.	get 'CPM:MODEM 903LBR' modem903.lbr

5.	bye		;leave ftp.  Some ftp's can't do more than one get
			;per connect (like mine) so you may have to invoke
			;ftp and bye out of it multiple times.

6. 	port all this stuff over to a CPM computer.  I assume you have
	access to one besides the VT180.  It should have at least 241K
	disks attached, or some of this will be a real !@?#@!#.

A>load itscvt		;make itscvt.com out of itscvt.hex
<messages from

A>load lu		;make lu.com

A>load ldir		;make ldir.com

A>itscvt modem903.lbr
Translate, Skip, Quit, or Continuous? T
opening file
done				;we have just removed the four garbage
				;bytes at the start of the file that are
				;and artifact of the ftp process.

A>era modem903.lbr		;erase original file to make room
A>ren modem903.lbr=modem903.cpm	;use output of itscvt which has CPM extension

A>lu -o modem903 -e *.* -x	;invoke library utility, open the library
<messages from lu.com		;extract all files, and exit. (I think this
about its progress>		;is right.)

A>usq *.?q?			;now unsqueeze all the files from the library
				;you may have to do them one at a time
				;and erase the squeezed versions if you have
				;tiny disks.

Now read the file HOWTOASM.DOC and do what it says.  The file 8250SYS.ASM
is already configured for the VT180 and only needs to be renamed SYS.ASM.

A>lasm modem903.aaz
A>mload modem903

Now use MBOOT3 to bring the finished MODEM903.COM over to the vt180.  The
file is 17K in size, so you might be able to send the MODEM903.HEX over
using pip or pipmodem and load it on the VT180 using LOAD.COM.  (Although
there is a different loader supplied in MODEM903.LBR that you are
supposed to use instead of LOAD.COM.)
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