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Date   : Sat, 30 Apr 1983 03:05:00 EDT
From   : Jerry E. Pournelle <POURNE@mit-mc.arpa>
Subject: [Tom Carnahan <TCARNAHAN@usc-isie.arpa>: OPINIONS on EPSON QX10?]

The Epson Qx-10 is as nice a set of hardware as I have seen for
the money.  I am told that it is available with CP/M.  I do not
have CP/M for it.  I have TPM and VALDOCS.  Those are designed
by semi-geniuses for use by semi-idiots.  In theory I have the
poroduction software, but whenevber I call them about things,
they tell me they have another upgrade, and they will be
preoviding upgrades to prevous purchasers.
	If you know little about computers and do not want to
learn much, the VALDOCS system may well be what you need.  It is
a combined text editor, calendar, memo pad, and stuff like that,
all worked from inside the text editor.
Problem is it is SLOW SLOW SLOW SLOW SLowwwwww in disk ops, and
for that matter they work the poor little Z-80 so hard that it
is SLOW writing to the screen.  I do not know whether that is
VALDOCS or inherent in the QX-10.  I do know that if you watch
the screen when you use the system, you will go mildly mad, as
it is a full half second or so behind you (single user).
	There's much to like about the machine, especially the
hardware, but I got a feeling they really need more work on the
software.  I do not know what terminal the QX-10 emulates when
it's in CP/M and not running VLADOCs.  It is a bit-mapped screen
thouggh, so they can put up BOLDFACE and italics and like that
right on screen (and with the Epson Fx-80 printer actually print
it, too...)

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