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Date   : Sat, 09 Apr 1983 17:05:00 EST
From   : Keith Petersen <W8SDZ@mit-mc.arpa>
Subject: MDM706 now available

The lastest version of MODEM7 is now available on MIT-MC.
Here's a list of files, followed by a general discussion.

MDM706 APASM   --  Apple II overlay
MDM706 ASM     --  Source code for MDM706 (very large
                   and NOT needed.  Use COM file and
                   overlay for your modem's I/O).
MDM706 COM     --  MDM706.COM ready for PMMI modem or
                   customization by your overlay.
MDM706 DOC     --  How to use MDM706, with examples
                   and discussion.
MDM706 DPASM   --  Datapoint 1560 overlay.
MDM706 GPASM   --  General purpose overlay for use
                   if no specific overlay is available
                   for your modem's I/O.
MDM706 H8ASM   --  Heath/Zenith H89/Z89 overlay.
MDM706 HZASM   --  Heath/Zenith H100/Z100 overlay.
MDM706 INF     --  Information on MDM706 files, etc.
MDM706 KPASM   --  Kaypro II overlay.
MDM706 NMASM   --  Phone number overlay for adding your
                   own list of numbers.
MDM706 OSASM   --  Osborne overlay....
MDM706 PMASM   --  PMMI overlay (in case you want to change
                   some of the default parameters).
MDM706 SET     --  Information for users who wish to use
                   DDT to set up the customization area.
MDM706 XEASM   --  Xerox 820 overlay.

.....and last, but not least:

MDM706 HEX     --  For those who cannot FTP ITS-style COM files.

DATE  :  04/04/83

       This program is based on one originally written by Ward Christ-
ensen in Sept. 1977.  It has since undergone a considerable number of
changes.  Two of the latest were (1) printer control while in the "T"
(Terminal) mode and (2) combining the macro library into the program to
eliminate extra files -- also allowing assembly with ASM as well as MAC
or other popular assemblers.

NOTE:  Special configuration files are being added for specific types of
       computers.  Several are available as shown below.  Others will be
       provided for popular computers using external modems.  This file
       will be updated accordingly.

       To adapt this version to your equipment, you will want to get
some of the following programs:

        Program name    Squeezed Name          Purpose

        MDM706.ASM      MDM706.AQM        (source code file)
        MDM706.COM      MDM706.OBJ        (object code file)
	MDM706.DOC      MDM706.DQC        (how-to-use file)
        MDM706.INF      MDM706.IQF        (information file)
        MDM706..SET      MDM706.SQT        (how to set file)
        MDM706AP.ASM    MDM706AP.AQM      (Apple II overlay file)
        MDM706DP.ASM    MDM706DP.AQM      (Datapoint 1560 overlay)	
        MDM706GP.ASM    MDM706GP.AQM      (General purpose overlay)
        MDM706H8.ASM    MDM706H8.AQM      (Heath/Zenith H89 file)
        MDM706HZ.ASM    MDM706HZ.AQM      (Heath/Zenith Z-100 file)
        MDM706KP.ASM    MDM706KP.AQM      (KayPro overlay file)
        MDM706NM.ASM    MDM706NM.AQM      (Phone number overlay)
        MDM706OS.ASM    MDM706OS.AQM      (Osborne overlay file)
        MDM706XE.ASM    MDM706XE.AQM      (Xerox 820 overlay file)

       (The minimum would be any pair in one of the examples shown

       There are numerous ways by which you can set the proper ports,
status pin values, etc. for your equipment.

     1) Use DDT, SID or DUU with:      MDM706.COM    and
     2) Use your editor, ASM (or MAC)  MDM706.COM    and
        and DDT (or SID) with:         MDM706xx.ASM

               (706xx stands for an appropriate overlay)
     3) Use your editor, ASM (or MAC)  MDM706.ASM

        One of those should appeal to you.  The program is designed to
work immediately for PMMI users with no changes - just use MDM706.COM.
(You might wish to change some of the available options, however.)

        When ready to use the program, type 'H' (for 'HELP'), hit RET
and it will display helpful information on the commands.  There are so
many commands there are several pages.  You can abort the display with
a CTL-C.  (One of the most useful features being CTL-P to toggle your
printer on/off.)  You can also type a question mark (?) which shows the
current parameters.

        The program has received numerous worthwhile optional features
in the past several months.

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