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Date   : Wed, 16 Mar 1983 1941-:00EST
From   : J. Eliot B. Moss <EBM@mit-xx.arpa>
Subject: Hard disks

The February Mini-Micro Systems magazine has a lot of info on Winchesters,
including a comparison chart and numerous advertisements.

The previously mentioned Western Dynex 5 Mb removable drive is being shipped
12 weeks after receipt of order, according to their office in Arizona.

Advanced Digital Corp. has what seems to be a good controller for the S-100
bus and ST-506 interface.  It uses the Westrn Digital LSI hard disk controller
chip.  It does not use or require DMA -- it buffers an entire sector and
provides/accepts the data through an I/O port.  Price is $500, including
CP/M driver code in MicroSoft Macro-80 source form.  They are sending me
further technical info, but it sounds like a good one.

Several people said that they had problems using the Morrow Designs board.
One said he uses a Western Digital board, but it requires extra work to
interface to the S-100 bus.

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