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Date   : Sat, 05 Mar 1983 20:21:51 EST (Sat)
From   : Keith Petersen <w8sdz@brl.arpa>
Subject: New MODEM7 available from MC

A new version of the MODEM7 series, MDM705, is now available on MIT-MC.
This version has several different user overlay files to make customization
easy.  You don't really need the MDM705.ASM file (which is now 130k long)
unless you plan to modify or improve the program.  All you need is
MDM705.COM (or HEX if you can't FTP COM files from MC), and the appropriate
user overlay file.  The following are excerpts from Irv Hoff's information
on this new version.

Bug reports to INFO-MODEM7@MIT-MC, please.  This is a special mailing list
for maintainers of the MODEM7 series.

---from MDM705.MSG---

     MDM705 is now available on this system.  After the
MODEM7xx program became MODEM799, a decision was made to
name the next version MDM700.  This also allows it to be
placed on the COMPUSERVE system which limits all file
names to 6 characters including any revision numbers.
     While catering to S-100 systems using the plug-in
PMMI auto-answer, auto-dial modem, it works great on most
other systems as well.  (My own equipment uses an external 
Bell 212A modem with push button manual dialing.)
     This is likely the most sophisticated modem program
available for CP/M users.  An instruction guide is in-
cluded in the group of programs, called MDM705.DOC.
     Look at the short file called MDM705.INF for an
explanation of the various programs in the family.  It
will tell which may be most useful in adapting to your
equipment.  It also gives typical values for many units.

                              - Irv Hoff    22 FEB 83

---from MDM705.INF---

DATE  :  03/03/83

       This program is based on one originally written by Ward Christ-
ensen in Sept. 1977.  It has since undergone a considerable number of
changes.  Two of the latest were (1) printer control while in the "T"
(Terminal) mode and (2) combining the macro library into the program to
eliminate extra files -- also allowing assembly with ASM as well as MAC
or other popular assemblers.

NOTE:  Special configuration files are being added for specific types of
       computers.  Several are available as shown below.  Others will be
       provided for popular computers using external modems.  This file
       will be updated accordingly.  (The MDM705CF.ASM general configure
       file also contains information regarding the Heath/Zenith H-89.)

       To adapt this version to your equipment, you will want to get
some of the following programs:

        Program name    Squeezed Name          Purpose

        MDM705.ASM      MDM705.AQM        (source code file)
        MDM705.COM      MDM705.OBJ        (object code file)
	MDM705.DOC      MDM705.DQC        (how-to-use file)
        MDM705.INF      MDM705.IQF        (information file)
        MDM705.SET      MDM705.SQT        (how to set file)
        MDM705AP.ASM    MDM705AP.AQM      (Apple II overlay file)
        MDM705CF.ASM    MDM705CF.AQM      (general overlay file)
        MDM705DP.ASM    MDM705DP.AQM      (Datapoint 1560 overlay)	
        MDM705HZ.ASM    MDM705HZ.AQM      (Heath/Zenith Z-100 file)
        MDM705KP.ASM    MDM705KP.AQM      (KayPro overlay file)
        MDM705NM.ASM    MDM705NM.AQM      (Phone number overlay)
        MDM705OS.ASM    MDM705OS.AQM      (Osborne overlay file)
        MDM705XE.ASM    MDM705XE.AQM      (Xerox 820 overlay file)

        NOTE:  The MDM705CF overlay file has additional information
               permitting easy adaptation to the Heath/Zenith units
               using the 8250 I/O.

MDM705 is designed to work immediately for PMMI users with no changes.
(Some preferences might be different from those preset, however.)

        When ready to use the program, type 'H' (for 'HELP'), hit RET
and it will display helpful information on the commands.  There are so
many commands there are several pages.  You can abort the display with
a CTL-C.  (One of the most useful features being CTL-P to toggle your
printer on/off) 

        The program has received numerous worthwhile optional features
in the past several months.

---end of excerpts---

The files are available from MIT-MC in the AR61:CPM; directory:

MDM705 APASM  2  03/03/83 04:36:25
MDM705 ASM    27  03/01/83 03:42:33
MDM705 CFGASM 3  03/01/83 04:43:54
MDM705 COM    5  03/01/83 03:55:10
MDM705 DOC    7  03/01/83 02:43:04
MDM705 DPASM  2  03/03/83 05:06:55
MDM705 HZASM  2  03/04/83 09:07:29
MDM705 INF    1  03/04/83 08:45:05
MDM705 MSG    1  03/02/83 06:45:49
MDM705 NMASM  1  03/02/83 06:32:57
MDM705 OSASM  2  03/02/83 06:36:12
MDM705 OSINF  1  03/02/83 06:46:58
MDM705 SET    2  03/01/83 03:49:14
MDM705 XEASM  2  03/04/83 08:55:00

--Keith <w8sdz@brl>
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