Date : Mon, 13 Dec 1982 14:38:00-PST
From : fylstra.tsca at Sri-Tsc
Subject: how to remove your name...
I suggest the simple expedient of sending an introductory message to each
person at the time the individual joins the list. This standardized message
would describe...
- the general topic of the mailing list
- ARPAnet rules governing commercially-oriented messages
- a comment on copyright observance (?)
- the organization of the CPM archives, including how to FTP files
and the special structure of binary files
- some rules of mailing list etiquette (amazing that this should
seem to be necessary)
- an indication of the estimated size of the readership
- the XXX-REQUEST rule for obtaining administrative services,
making particular note that this is the preferred technique
for getting off the list.
These boilerplate topics surface on INFO-CPM from time to time, and it seems
best to handle them all at once at intro time. Periodic rebroadcasts are
not the way to go.
Dave Fylstra