Date : Thu, 02 Dec 1982 11:07:00-PST
From : fylstra.tsca at Sri-Tsc
Subject: ISIS tools
I'd like to thank everyone responding to my last message about RT-11
tools. At least a dozen people pointed me at RT11.C, the utility for
copying files between RT-11 and CP/M floppies. After a long delay,
one person sent me an implementation of MODEM2 for RT-11, written in C.
Now I need the same thing for ISIS. Does anyone have either of the following:
(a) implementation of MODEM2 that executes under ISIS. Presumably this
has to be made available on an ISIS SSSD diskette, unless there is
a simple procedure for bootloading code over a serial line.
(b) a utility like RT11.C that runs under CP/M and copies files between
ISIS and CP/M diskettes. I seem to recall that such a thing exists
in the CP/MUG library.
The problem with the latter is that the files we want to move exist on
an Intel SSDD floppy. I rather doubt that it will be easy to get our
double density controllers to read those disks under CP/M.
Reply to me, please, and I'll summarize it there is interest.
Dave Fylstra