Date : Sun, 28 Nov 1982 21:08:00-CST
From : mknox at Utexas-11
Subject: CP/M 3.0 comments
A few comments concerning Gumby's msg. The idea of a club getting together
and purchasing an OEM agreement is probably quite reasonable. The minimum
number of copies for a reasonable discount is usually 25, and the discount
is usually about 60% of list. I see no reason for DR to not agree to this.
As for what extra info OEMers get; virtually nothing. Just a little earlier
and a little more unreadable. However, they are for certain on the list
for the mailout of fixes, which a good deal of them then do NOT pass on.
(Note: P&T is one of the few I know of who send out fixes, both from them-
selves and DR, as they come out.)
About ZCPR and 3.0. The OEM agreement prevents the OEMer from modifying
the BDOS and CCP (or other included processors). He can add additional
processors (FORMAT, MEMTEST, FOOBAR, that sort of thing), but he cannot
sell CP/M cum ZCPR as CP/M. A legally fine point? It might be permissable
to distribute the original CP/M 3.0, unmodified, and with a copy of ZCPR
and instructions (or an auto-install program). That might meet the needs
of the ARPA community.