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Date   : Fri, 19 Nov 1982 23:56:00-EST
From   : Paul L Kelley <PLK@Mit-Mc>
Subject: MODEM792

	The following files are now available on MIT-MC in AR61:CPM;


MODEM 792SET should be available soon. MODEM 768DOC will be updated soon
to MODEM 792DOC by one of the authors, Eric Stork. Thanks to Eric, Bill
Rizzi, Keith Peterson, and Bob Plouffe for helpful suggestions and comments.

	The following describes recent changes:

;11/18/81  Combined 11/10/82 and 11/11/82.
;	   Made the following changes:
;	     1.	Added optional routine to overlay file to clear screen
;		 and home cursor on paging of menu etc.,
;	     2. Changed printer toggle to terminal mode command and made
;		 optional with overlay file,
;	     3. Changed routines to set MSPEED when changing buad rate with
;		 SET command,
;	     4. Added more information to display of current settings
;		 and used calls to save space,
;	     5. Fixed and shortened bytes free routine,
;	     6. Shortened and separated LIB SENDTIME routine into two parts
;		 so that it can be used in display of current settings,
;	     7. Made echo mode part of normal terminal mode to save space
;		 and make all terminal mode commands available in echo mode,
;	     8. Fixed PMMI BYE routine so that it works with overlay file,
;	     9. Eliminated F command as redundant, DIR FOO (where FOO is a
;		 nonexistent file) accomplishes the same thing.
;								;P.L.Kelley

;11/11/82  Made the following changes:
;	     1. Fixed PMMI dialing routines,
;	     2.	Added menu command to display current settings
;		 including bytes remaining in memory buffer,
;	     3. Added menu command to change default drive,
;	     4. Added menu command for local echo in terminal mode,
;	     5. Added menu command to toggle printer on/off,
;	     6. Fixed PMMI BYE so warm boots.
;							- Irv Hoff

;11/10/82  Combined MODEM771 and MODEM780 (F. Gaude) as follows:
;	     1. Used erase file function in 780,
;	     2. Used 780 code to make display of error count start at 1
;		 and changed display to decimal,
;	     3. Used 780 idea for throttled output on terminal mode
;		 transfer of text file to remote but wrote new routines
;		 including one for user to set speed,
;	     4. Moved disk reset to DIR routine as in 780,
;	     5. Used 780 code to give kbytes free on DIR command but
;		 modified to give kbytes free on requested drive instead
;		 of default drive.
;	   Made the following changes:
;	     1. Eliminated IMSAI front panel routines,
;	     2.	Changed so PMMI control-D (disconnect) checks for file
;		 open on returning to menu mode,
;	     3. Fixed file display on bulk transfer so that spaces are
;		 eliminated and period is inserted if required,
;	     4. Changed M(enu) to H(elp) command,
;	     5. Added code to allow echo mode to use optional toggling of
;		 send linefeed after carriage return,
;	     6. Added toggling of Checksum/CRC modes on file receive,
;	     7. Added optional code to clear to end of screen on next line
;		 from current cursor position when returning from terminal
;		 mode, this eliminates jumbled screen when working remote
;		 which positions cursor.
;								;P.L.Kelley

;11/02/82  Shows the time to send a file.  (Routine was placed in
;	    MODEM791.LIB).  Set MSPEED to the speed you normally use.
;	    Currently set at 300 Baud.  Can reset at any time using the
;	    menu.					- Irv Hoff

;10/20/82  Made the following changes:
;	    1. New 'F' command shows free disk space on default drive
;		and resets drive to prevent R/O errors when attempting
;		to upload to default disk.
;	    2. Requesting DIR also shows free disk space and resets the
;		current drive. (From F. Gaude's 780).
;	    3. Heading automatically tells if set for PMMI Modem or not.
;		(Previously always indicated it was PMMI-only.)
;	    4. Grouped all TRUE/FALSE statements together.
;	    5. Put 'PMMIBYTE' immediately after ORG 0100H.
;	    6. Increased checksum timeout to original value (10 seconds)
;		to agree with CRC timeout.  This should allow adequate
;		time for slow disk systems to write.
;							- Irv Hoff
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