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Date   : Thu, 04 Nov 1982 15:50:44-EST (Thu)
From   : Rick Conn <rconn@BRL>
Subject: SYSLIB Details

	From the SYSLIB User and Reference Manual:

                        SYSLIB User and Reference Manual

              SYSLIB -- An Integrated Library of Assembly Language
          Utility Subroutines for use with the Microsoft M80 Assembler

        1.0  Introduction

        1.01 What is SYSLIB?

             SYSLIB  (SYStem LIBrary) is a collection of over 130 subrou-
        tines which are designed to provide to the CP/M 8080/Z80 assembly 
        language  programmer a set of functions upon which he  can  build 
        his programs.  This library is intended to relieve the programmer 
        of  the task of frequently "reinventing the wheel" and to provide 
        him   with  an  tool  environment  which  encourages   structured 
        programming at the assembly language level.

             Each  subroutine within SYSLIB can be viewed as  a  reliable 
        "black box."  The subroutines in SYSLIB are completely documented 
        within  this 100+ page manual and the SYSLIBx.HLP files,  and the 
        programmer  is consistently provided with the following  informa-
                  1.  Name of Subroutine
                  2.  Function it performs
                  3.  What its inputs are
                  4.  What its outputs are
                  5.  What registers are affected by it
                  6.  What other library routines it calls upon
                  7.  What errors can occur and how it handles them

             The routines within SYSLIB are designed to work together and 
        complement  each other.   Parameter passing is consistent between 
        the various subroutines; for instance, all routines which need to 
        be  passed  a  pointer to a File Control Block  are  passed  that 
        pointer in the DE register pair.   Also,  as a general rule, if a 
        register is not returned as an output from the SYSLIB subroutine, 
        then  its value is not affected (it has the same value  when  the 
        routine is exited as it had when the routine was called).

             SYSLIB  itself  is a library of relocatable  object  modules 
        created  in  the Microsoft M80 relocatable  object  format.   All 
        subroutines within SYSLIB are grouped within functionally-related 
        modules.   Once  a routine is referenced (by the EXT statement in 
        the M80 assembly language program),  its module is loaded and  it 
        is  available  to the programmer by means of a simple  subroutine 
        call.   All  other subroutines within that particular module  are 
        also loaded,  but they are not available to the programmer unless 
        he  has also referenced them by EXT statements.   The  module  is 
        loaded  only  once,  regardless of how many routines  within  the 
        module  are referenced.   For this reason,  I have designed  each 
        module  to contain routines which are frequently used together or 
        are  called  by each other (one routine within the  module  calls 
        another routine within the module).

         1 - Introduction                                      Page 1

                        SYSLIB User and Reference Manual

        1.02 What is Needed to Use SYSLIB?

             You  need an 8080- or Z80-based microcomputer with at  least 
        48K  bytes of contiguous memory running CP/M 2.2,  the  Microsoft 
        M80  assembler tool set (specifically,  the M80 assembler and the 
        L80 linker),  and the usual set of software development tools (an 
        editor and, preferably, a debugger) to use SYSLIB.

        1.03 What Does SYSLIB Buy Me?

             The bottom line is that,  to the experienced SYSLIB program-
        mer,  SYSLIB has the potential of being a significant tool  which 
        enables him to:

                  1.  Solve his programming task quickly
                       -- because  he spends less time writing  com-
            monly-used subroutines and worrying about how his regis-
            ters  are  affected by these subroutines and  more  time 
            concentrating on the problem at hand

                  2.  Write space- and speed-efficient code
                       -- because  all  of the SYSLIB routines  have 
            been gone over time and time again to reduce their  size 
            and  make  them more efficient in terms  of  speed;  for 
            example,  the  SORT routine is a Shell Sort that can  be 
            called to perform the sort using pointers (in which case 
            it  exchanges pointers rather than records when it needs 
            to do a swap) or perform the sort without using pointers 
            (when space is a factor and there may not be enough room 
            for a pointer table)

                  3.  Write more maintainable code
                       -- because SYSLIB is designed with structured 
            programming philosophy in mind; each subroutine is equi-
            valent  to a process box,  having (1) only one  entrance 
            and one exit,  (2) a precisely-defined function, and (3) 
            a precisely-defined set of input and output  parameters; 
            having  used  SYSLIB for some time now,  the author  has 
            noted that his programming thought processes and program 
            designs  have tended more and more toward  end-in  (top-
            down from the objective point of view and bottom-up from 
            the SYSLIB subroutine point of view), structured designs 
            that  he  can  go back to at a later  date  and  readily 
            decipher and modify

         1 - Introduction                                      Page 2

                        SYSLIB User and Reference Manual

                  4.  Reduce the programming effort
                       -- because  SYSLIB provides a number of  very 
            involved routines which would, in themselves, take quite 
            some  time to code;  for example,  the DIRF routine will 
            load the directory of a disk into memory,  select a  set 
            of  files  from that loaded directory as specified by  a 
            File Control Block and a flag which indicates whether to 
            include System or Non-System files and what user area is 
            to  be examined,  packs the loaded  directory  (removing 
            entries not selected from the memory buffer),  alphabet-
            izes  the directory entries by file name and type or  by 
            file  type and name,  and returns a pointer to the first 
            entry and a count of the number of entries selected

             In many ways,  SYSLIB brings some of the advantages of  pro-
        gramming  in  a High-Order Language,  like C or  Pascal,  to  the 
        assembly  language  programmer.  It  allows him to  maintain  the 
        smaller code size and greater efficiency which can be realized in 
        assembly  language programming and simultaneously realize  a  re-
        duced  life-cycle  cost  (from development to fielding  to  post-
        fielding  maintenance  and modification) over  assembly  language 
        programming without a SYSLIB-like tool set.

        1.04 How Do I Assemble with SYSLIB?

             Each  example in Section 21 of this manual shows an assembly 
        of the sample program.   I frequently use a command file, which I 
        call M80.SUB,  to assemble my programs.   This command file takes 
        only one parameter,  the name of the file to be assembled WITHOUT 
        its type (MAC is assumed).  Warning:  The command MUST be:

                                SUB M80 filename

        and it MUST NOT be:

                              SUB M80 filename.typ

        If  it  is of the latter form,  the source code will  be  deleted 
        during the assembly process!  You may wish to remove the

                                   ERA $1.BAK 

        command in the M80.SUB file to eliminate this problem.  I only do 
        this for a space savings.

         1 - Introduction                                      Page 3

                        SYSLIB User and Reference Manual

             My M80.SUB command file is:

        ;  M80.SUB -- MACRO-80 Assembler and Linker
        M80 =$1
        ERA $1.BAK
        ERA $1.COM
        L80 /P:100,$1,A:SYSLIB/S,$1/N,/U,/E
        ERA $1.REL

             I run ZCPR2 instead of the CP/M 2.2 CCP,  and I am always on 
        Drive  B:  doing  my  development  work,  while  my  editors  and 
        assemblers (and SYSLIB.REL) are on Drive A:.   Note that this  is 
        reflected in M80.SUB, where L80 looks for A:SYSLIB for the scan.

        1.05 How Do I Learn to Use SYSLIB Effectively?

             This is, of course, opinion, but I feel that the best way to 
        learn how to use SYSLIB would involve the following steps:

                  1.   Study  the  SYSLIB manual in an overview  fashion, 
        familiarizing  yourself  with the functions  of  the  subroutines 

                  2.   Study in some detail the sample source programs in 
        Section 21, jumping back to the main body of the manual from time 
        to  time to see why the routines I selected in the programs  were 
        used in the way I used them

                  3.  Try coding a couple of the routines in this manual, 
        copying them verbatim and assembling them

                  4.  Try making up a few simple problems of your own and 
        use SYSLIB to code them

                  5.   Apply  SYSLIB to a significant program you want to 

             I am a strong advocate of writing programs in order to learn 
        how to program,  and I feel that it is most important to (1) gain 
        as  much familiarity with the SYSLIB routines as you can and  (2) 
        to write programs using these routines.

         1 - Introduction                                      Page 4

                        SYSLIB User and Reference Manual

        1.06 Who May Use SYSLIB?

             SYSLIB is hereby released to the public domain.   Anyone who 
        wishes to USE it may do so with no strings attached.   The author 
        assumes no responsibility or liability for the use of SYSLIB.  It 
        is copyrighted by the author,  Richard Conn,  who has sole rights 
        to  it.   SYSLIB and its associated documentation may be sold  by 
        itself  or  as an independent part of a package of programs  only 
        with  the express,  written consent of the author.   The  author, 
        however, supports the use of SYSLIB by commercial software devel-
        opers,  and  places no restriction on the sale of programs  which 
        are  BASED on SYSLIB and use routines contained within SYSLIB  to 
        perform their major functions.

             I  hope you enjoy using SYSLIB and find it to be as useful a 
        tool as I do.

                                                Richard Conn

         1 - Introduction                                      Page 5

                        SYSLIB User and Reference Manual

              SYSLIB -- An Integrated Library of Assembly Language
          Utility Subroutines for use with the Microsoft M80 Assembler

                      Functional Listing of SYSLIB Routines

         2.0 Directory Manipulation Routines -  6
             DIRF, DIRFS: 7  DBUFFER: 8  DPARAMS: 9
             DFREE: 9        FSIZE: 10   DIRLOAD, DIRSLOAD: 11
             DIRALPHA: 12    DIRSEL: 12  DIRPACK: 13  DIRNPACK: 14

         3.0 Numeric String Evaluation Routines - 15
             EVAL: 15  EVAL16: 16  EVAL10: 16  EVAL8: 17  EVAL2: 17

         4.0 Byte-Oriented File Input/Output Routines (0-n-3) - 18
             FIn$OPEN: 19   FOn$OPEN: 20   FIn$CLOSE: 20
             FOn$CLOSE: 20  Fn$GET: 21     Fn$PUT: 21

         5.0 CP/M File Input/Output Routines - 23
             F$OPEN: 23     F$MOPEN: 24    F$CLOSE: 24    F$MAKE: 25
             F$DELETE: 25   F$RENAME: 26   F$EXIST: 26    F$READ: 27
             F$WRITE: 27

         6.0 File Name String Parser and FCB Init - 28
             FNAME: 28      INITFCB: 29

         7.0 Input Line Editors - 30
             BBLINE: 31     BLINE: 31      INLINE: 32

         8.0 String Output Routines - 34
             PRINT, LPRINT: 34        PSTR, LPSTR: 34

         9.0 Numeric Output Routines - 35
             PHL4HC, LHL4HC: 35  MHL4HC: 35  PHL5DC, LHL5DC: 36
             MHL5DC: 36     PHLDC, LHLDC: 36    MHLDC: 37
             PA2HC, LA2HC: 37    MA2HC: 37      PA3DC, LA3DC: 38
             MA3DC: 38   PADC, LADC: 38      MADC: 39

        10.0 String and Value Comparison Routines - 40
             COMPHD: 40   COMPB, COMPBC: 40  SCANNER: 40  INSTR: 41

        11.0 Character-Oriented Input/Output Routines - 42
             CRLF, LCRLF: 42     CONDIN: 42     CST: 43
             CIN, RIN: 43        COUT, LOUT, POUT: 43
             CCOUT, CLOUT, CPOUT: 44

        12.0 Math Routines - 45
             ADDHD: 45      SUBHD: 45      MULHD: 46      DIVHD: 46
             NEGH: 46       CMPH: 46       ROTLH: 47      ROTRH: 47
             SHFTLH: 47     SHFTRH: 48     ANDHD: 48      ORHD: 48
             XORHD: 48

        13.0 CRC Routines - 49
             CRCCLR, CRC1CLR: 50      CRCUPD, CRC1UPD: 50
             CRCDONE, CRC1DONE: 50    CRCK, CRC1K: 51

        14.0 Random Number Generator Routines - 52
             RNDINIT: 52    RNDSEED: 52    RND: 53

        15.0 User/Disk Manipulation Routines - 54
             PUTUD: 54      GETUD: 55      LOGUD: 55      RETUD: 55

        16.0 Sort Routines - 56
             SSBINIT: 57    SORT: 57

        17.0 ZCPR2 Feature-Specific Routines - 58
             ZINIMC: 58     ZINIEXT: 59    ZCPRSET: 59    ZCPRQ: 60
             ZMCPTR: 61     ZPFIND: 61     ZFSTAT: 62

        18.0 ZCPR2-Specific Named Directory Routines - 63
             ZFNINIT: 64    ZDNFIND: 64    ZFNAME: 65

        19.0 Miscellaneous Routines - 66
             BDOS: 67       BIOS: 67       CAPS: 68
             CAPSTR: 68     CATH: 69       CODEND: 69
             EN: 69         FILLB, FILLBC, HFILB, HFILBC: 70
             MOVEB, MOVEBC, HMOVB, HMOVBC: 71   PAUSE: 71
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