Date : Thu, 28 Oct 1982 15:27:00-CDT
From : awd at Utexas-11
Subject: Winchester back-up at a reasonable price.
Does it exist?? I have a 33 Meg Priam based hard disk subsystem,
and have been looking for a back-up system (like cartridge tape) that is
quick & simple, and less than $2000.oo or so. Floppies are not the answer,
i have to nurse the system thru the back-up process. Most tame systems are
in excess of $4000.oo and not very usable. The best i have found is the
Marshall from TKS Corporation at $3295.oo for S-100. It does what i want, but
at that price i could almost buy another 33 meg drive and back up onto it!
Please reply direct, and my apologies to those who get this twice.