Date : Thu, 07 Oct 1982 17:11:00-CDT
From : alt at Utexas-11
Subject: Reply to: ibm pc c compilers
The Software Toolworks has a C compiler that (I think) will be out
for the IBM PC.
1) the compiler lacks:
a) floats
b) longs
c) typedef
d) #line
e) arguments to #define
2) the code is fair.
(Faster than basic, har har)
3) the speed is Sloooooooow.
4) it produces assembly code. (with in line source if you want it.)
5) the stdio lib is not the most complete I have ever seen (understatement).
6) the printf is bad.
7) price $49.95
I like it, it is cheap, and since I had to write my own printf and
my own stdio library I understand what it is doing. Actually
the stdio isn't that bad, it has all the basics.