Date : Wed, 10 Jun 1981001:56:00-MDT
Subject: XSUB problem
There have been many times when I have been quite thankful for XSUB. Sometimes,
though, I have been quite frustrated by what appears to be a problem in
relocation. On my system, a quite normal 64k Z80 system, certain programs will
refuse to run if XSUB is installed. The most notable is WordStar, which, when
run, promptly returns to CP/M without any signs of trouble other than it
doesn't run. No crashes or other clues. Other programs which conflict with
XSUB seem to be generally those which try to relocate themselves below the
CCP for one reason or another, although DDT, which I believe also relocates
itself under the CCP, runs flawlessly. Any ideas or similar experiences?
- Dave Maddox