Date : Mon, 13 Apr 1981005:15:00-MST
From : Keith B. Petersen <W8SDZ at MIT-MC>
Subject: New AUTOMATIC Findbad program
I have uploaded a new version of FINDBAD, the program that
locks out bad sectors on a CP/M disk. The new program is
totally automatic - that is, it works like DU and SD, picking
up the disk parameter block and version number from your CP/M
and adjusting itself accordingly. It should work correctly
with any standard 1.4 or 2.x CP/M system. Thanks to Ron Fowler
(RGF@MC) for the excellent programming. Reports would be
appreciated. (send them to RGF@MC with CC to W8SDZ@MC).
The file is in MC:CPM;FBAD52 ASM.