Date : Fri, 09 Jan 1981 13:36:00-PST
From : Walt at Rand-Unix
Subject: CP/M RST Survey
As part of the process of carrying my software over to standard CP/M, I
am trying to determine which, if any, of the RST instructions are available
to programs that want to run on all CP/M machines. If there is any reason
(including use of interrupt) why a program that uses any RST instruction (>0)
would not run on your CP/M system, or any other CP/M system that you are
aware of, please reply with the RST instruction number(s) and their
use(s), the hardware manufacturer or system type, and whether your CP/M is
manufacturer's standard or modified (as regards the use of RST).
Reply to me only; I will tabulate and report results to the list. Thanks.
Walt Bilofsky