Date : Wed, 07 Oct 2009 09:49:45 +0100
From : tim.matthews@... (Tim Matthews)
Subject: Electric Dreams last night.
Anyone else feel a pleasant tingle of pride as the family chose the Beeb
over the Speccy... (And Oric & Dragon :-) and shared the kids' joy as
they were thrilled by 10P."Hello" 20GOTO 10 type stuff, and generating
Nice to see despite them being the PlayStation generation they still
enjoyed some good old (basic Basic) programming. Back in the old days
he'd be one of us now :-)
But did anyone else wonder why Manic Miner was in the 1982 computer
show? A special pre-release copy perhaps? And was I hearing things or
was there a clash of Elite lasers whenever they showed the Manic Miner
screen-shot (on the Speccy)...?
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