Date : Sun, 04 Oct 2009 10:50:24 +0000
From : nicolagiacobbe@... (nicola giacobbe)
Subject: Centronics to Serial
If you are willing to send me the PIC sources I'll give them a look.
But I have three questions:
How did you programmed the PIC (are you sure it was burned correctly?)
What is the device outputting now?
Are you sure the problem doesn't lie in the serial communication part (i.e
have you checked with an oscilloscope or similar) ?
I'm wanting to capture the printer output from an old Z80 computer, that
only has a Centronics (parallel) port, to the serial port on my BEEB.
I've contacted the author but he's a bit busy at the moment so he's sent me
the source code in C, which doesn't mean much to me at the moment as I'm a
complete novice when it comes to PICs and programming them. He's suggested
that perhaps the ACK signal needs to be handled, which his setup doesn't do.
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