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Date   : Tue, 29 Sep 2009 21:30:29 +0100
From   : famrowland@... (Andrew Rowland)
Subject: Beebug Magazine on-line project

Thanks. Been in contact with Adrian Calcraft at Beebug today, and he will
find out who owns the copyright.
More news as I get it...


From: Mark Usher [mailto:mu.list@...] 
Sent: Mon, 28 September 2009 22:20
To: 'Andrew Rowland'; bbc-micro@...
Subject: RE: [BBC-Micro] Beebug Magazine on-line project

Try beebug.co.uk ;-) It may be (and is probably) the case, that it will be
more complicated than single ownership and many of the individual authors
may have some sort of entitlement.
The images are raw tiff files at 600 dpi IIRC. So they need processing
first, making sure they are clean, resampling ready for PDF/OCR conversion,
or web page conversion, whichever is more appropriate.
From: Andrew Rowland [mailto:famrowland@...] 
Sent: 28 September 2009 22:09
To: 'Mark Usher'; bbc-micro@...
Subject: RE: [BBC-Micro] Beebug Magazine on-line project
Hi Mark,
Great to hear from you. I had assumed that as the mag discs had been placed
in the public domain when the magazine closed, that no-one would object to
the text being made available. However, you are right that we should check.
Where did you get your 'impression" from? Any idea where I might start? I've
seen a reference to Sheridan Williams
(http://www.computinghistory.org.uk/articles/9.htm) and might try him --
he'd perhaps know whom to ask.
Assuming that hurdle can be overcome, would you like assistance with the
scans? What form are they in at the moment -- pure images or PDFs? OCR
layer? If you are up for sharing the work, I'm thinking I might post a
hard-drive round the volunteers.

From: bbc-micro-bounces+famrowland=freeuk.com@...
[mailto:bbc-micro-bounces+famrowland=freeuk.com@...] On
Behalf Of Mark Usher
Sent: Mon, 28 September 2009 20:51
To: 'nicola giacobbe'; bbc-micro@...
Subject: Re: [BBC-Micro] Beebug Magazine on-line project
OK, here?s where I am with it. I have volumes 1-11 scanned which make up
about 28GB of images. I had asked on the list regarding Vol. 12, and if
anyone was prepared to scan or lend it to be scanned. I had a couple of
replies but so far it hasn?t materialised. 
One of the big show stoppers to sort out before any major work is undertaken
is the copyright. I am currently under the impression that the copyright
holders (who are still active in the IT world) would probably object to them
being made openly available.
From: bbc-micro-bounces+mu.list=aon.at@...
[mailto:bbc-micro-bounces+mu.list=aon.at@...] On Behalf Of
nicola giacobbe
Sent: 28 September 2009 19:49
To: bbc-micro@...
Subject: Re: [BBC-Micro] Beebug Magazine on-line project
Hello Andrew,
I started doing something similar until Mark Usher told me he already had
Vol.1-11 scanned. No point in doing it twice but maybe we could help him to
get out the scans quicker. (Hello Mark!)

> Hi all,
> Many hands make light work, so even if you can only chip in half-a year's
> worth (5 issues) of scans or indexing, I'd like to hear from you.
> Andrew Rowland ???


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