Date : Wed, 16 Sep 2009 15:07:08 +0100
From : michael.firth@... (
Subject: Sometimes I feel really stupid
> -----Original Message-----
> From:
> [
> .uk] On Behalf Of me@...
> Sent: 16 September 2009 14:52
> To: bbc-micro@...
> Subject: [BBC-Micro] Sometimes I feel really stupid
> One of the things I learned at Acorn World was that I know much less
> about the beeb than I thought I did.
> Things I learned included:
> * You can move files from one folder to another on ADFS by
> *RENAMEing
> it into a new path.
> * You need to put a colon after *I AM to hide your logon password on
> Econet.
> * That you can do "*DIR ^" to go up a folder.
> Pretty basic huh? I felt so stupid.
> But then I come home and realise that I'm still feeling pretty dumb.
> For example:
> How do you copy a file across filesystems? I've got access to a file
> on LANMAN (Sprow's ethernet SMB filing system), and I want to
> copy it
> to ADFS. I tried "TreeCopy" but it just said "Bad dir" and I have no
> idea why.
> Actually TreeCopy really should have worked, the fact that it didn't
> it mildly confusing, I really would quite like it to work. :P
> Anyway, so, what's the accepted way to copy a single file from one
> filing system to another?
If you're using a Master, *MOVE -ADFS-file1 -NET-file2 will copy a file from
ADFS to NET, renaming it as it goes. You can substitute any supported 'temporary'
file systems (i.e. ones which implement -name- operation)
On a B/B+, you need either a BASIC utility like CopyFiles, or something a
utility ROM like ADT to give you a command similar to *MOVE (ADT's is *XFER,
which works but has a slightly odd syntax)