Date : Sat, 12 Sep 2009 18:43:26 EDT
From : AlembicPrs@... (
Subject: Leccy @ Acorn World '09
Hmmm... just what are all the electricity regs trying to do? Why have
socket outlets half way up a wall, where the flex can then trail around the
place and trip people up. At least if at skirting board level the flex(es) are
out of the way. And why bother with 13mp fused plugs, if the consumer unit
has RCB/MCB etc and trips at the slightest surge. And the square pin
plugs, in my experience, are much more likely to arc with constant connection/
disconnection, than are round pin ones. And they are bigger and clumsier
than 2amp and 5amp round pin plugs.
We have a mixture because that is what the house had before the re-wire,
and it saved having to get a lot of new plugs. And I like the old-fashioned
brown outlets, especially as they blend in better (we are a listed
building). And I have a large collection of round pin plugs, and indeed
from 2 to 13, 13 to 2, 15 to 13, etc.
I seem to remember that Australia, as well as Europe, has socket outlets,
and normal wall light switches, in bathrooms. None of this pull-cord
business. And the outlets are not shielded (or switched).
I suspect a big con by the manufacturers, to get everyone to
re-equip/re-wire. Rather like the great digital TV saga.
If it aint broke, don't fix it ????.
David Bolton
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