Date : Wed, 09 Sep 2009 00:17:37 +0100
From : dllm@... (Dave Moore)
Subject: Acorn World '09: Final Layout & Wiring Plan
> Now if anyone can bring any of the following as backup, I'd be extremely
> grateful (as it's always better to have too many than too few!):
> - Monitor Leads (Cub, Philips, BBC>Scart and BBC BNC>Phono Plug [for mono
> monitors], Archimedes and Ax0x0 to Philips and VGA)
> - Any econet equipment/cables
> - 6-way/8-way multisocket adaptors
> - Power Extension cables (I will only be able to provide a couple of these
> myself, so definitely require some help here)
> - Kettle leads
> - 5.25" & 3.5" drives (single or dual) that run off the Beeb's external
> socket
> - a few BBC B's with Econet (as backup to the Caver setup)
> - Spare portable TVs/Monitors (LCD if poss!) with connecting leads to BBCs
> etc
That's what I forgot to ask for: PLINTHS! (the ones without disk drives
installed, preferably).
Mainly after the narrower BBC B-styled versions, though it wouldn't do any
harm to have some Master plinths to hand, too.
Can anyone oblige?
I only have two, but we could probably do with 15+.