Date : Tue, 08 Sep 2009 10:29:38 +0100
From : joel@... (Joel Rowbottom)
Subject: =?utf-8?q?Twitter_hashtag_for_Retro_Reunited?
On Tue, 8 Sep 2009 10:26:30 +0100, me@... wrote:
>> As per the subject, is there an 'official' hashtag on Twitter for
>> the Retro
>> Reunited show this weekend please?
> I doubt it. I hereby propose the unimaginative #retroreunited, and
> #acornworld for Acorn-specific tweets.
Just leave it at the one tag - would propose #rre09 or something cos after
all you've just got 140 characters!
Gordon is @retroreunited on there.
> (I am but it's protected - I unlock it for events
(given crawlers, employees, employers, customers, etc.).
If you want to apply for a follow then I'll OK it.