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Date   : Mon, 07 Sep 2009 13:22:08 +0100
From   : afra@... (afra@aurigae.demon.co.uk)
Subject: Acorn World '09: Final Layout & Wiring Plan

Quoting Dave Moore <dllm@...>:

> Hi
> Now if anyone can bring any of the following as backup, I'd be extremely
> grateful (as it's always better to have too many than too few!):
> - Monitor Leads (Cub, Philips, BBC>Scart and BBC BNC>Phono Plug [for mono
> monitors], Archimedes and Ax0x0 to Philips and VGA)

I have a BBC->SCART and a couple of (hacked together but working)  
BNC->Phono leads. I will be bringing an LCD TV for the AtomClone, but  
also have a CUB, will try and test it tonight on a beeb.

> - Any econet equipment/cables

I have about 6 or 7 DIN-DIN econet leads and also 4 DIN plug to 2 DIN  
sockets that can be used to patch a machine into the network, could  
also bring my BeebMaster clock box if needed.

> - 6-way/8-way multisocket adaptors

I can prolly bring a couple of these.

> - Power Extension cables (I will only be able to provide a couple of these
> myself, so definitely require some help here)
> - Kettle leads

How many do you need we have a big (like about 50-100 of them) box at  
work, that I can probably have as many as we need.

> - 5.25" & 3.5" drives (single or dual) that run off the Beeb's external power
> socket

Alas I don't have any BBC powered drives.

> - a few BBC B's with Econet (as backup to the Caver setup)

I'll try and bring one of my beebs, must make sure that PIGROM is not  
installed tho, that could lead to a public relations disaster when  
little johnny sees it running :) Will prolly bring one of the Atoms  
too, that way if Charlie has a problem we have a backup.



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