Date : Tue, 25 Aug 2009 13:03:43 +0100
From : michael.firth@... (
Subject: Acorn World @ Retro Reunited: Revised Floor-plan
> -----Original Message-----
> From:
> [
> .uk] On Behalf Of Rob
> Sent: 25 August 2009 09:46
> To: BBC micro mailing list
> Subject: Re: [BBC-Micro] Acorn World @ Retro Reunited:
> Revised Floor-plan
> On 25/08/2009, Dave Moore <dllm@...> wrote:
> > Hi
> >
> > Have noted everybody's comments/concerns re: the cramped
> layout and have
> > made
> > some fundamental changes to the floorplan, which results in
> significantly
> > more
> > space between and around most stalls:
> >
> 0824_Provisional.png
> That does look a lot less cramped - I think the problem before was
> mainly in the corners, where people in front of each exhibit would be
> bumping into each other.
I agree it looks like a lot more space.
Are we happy that we can get Econet run between the different areas that are
going to need it (presumably the Sprow, BBS and Retroclinic areas around the
Outside, the Caver table, and the "Secondary Econet Area"?
I guess one option (if you still want the Caver demo as a separate network)
would be to not connect that table to the main Econet at all, which would
save having to run an Econet cable across the floor to the table.
Does the hotel have any RJ45 patching to any of these areas (some have sockets
in floor boxes or on the wall in conference rooms), which could be used to
extend the Econet between the areas without having to run our own long leads in?
> >
> > Also, in order to satisfy the clear demand for additional
> Econet stations, I
> > propose that we create a secondary Econet area in the lobby
> (which is
> Excellent ... just need some long cable to reach there :-) ..
> >
> > The 'Econet Island' (inside the Emley Suite) would be
> maintained, however,
> > it
> > would only contain one fileserver and 4 x Beebs (three for
> Caver, one for
> > general admin and demonstrations). Though I am still
> looking for someone to
> > volunteer a Caver setup!
> I think we've got plenty of machines volunteered, but nobody has
> enough to do the lot, is that right? I've definitely got a couple of
> spares, but not enough for this, not with doing the bbs as well.. Is
> there somebody who actually knows how cave works that can take on
> setting this up with other peoples' machines?
As I've offered before, I'm happy to have a go at this, if someone can
get me a copy of the Caver software - I have an Econet with 4 Beebs I can
test it on, and then some of these Beebs can be substituted for other peoples
for the actual show.