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Date   : Mon, 24 Aug 2009 09:07:25 +0100
From   : michael.firth@... (michael.firth@bt.com)
Subject: Retro Reunited - Acorn Room

I'll be bringing 4 machines, possibly 5 (depending on what's happening with
the Caver setup, that doesn't seem to have been decided)

I'll thus need 8 power sockets, possibly 10 for those, plus 1 for my Netbook
that will be running BeebEm Linux.

I'll also (like Jason) try and get hold of a couple of 10-way dis-boards,
I'll let you know if I succeed.

I guess one question is whether there is going to be room on the Econet Island
to set up all the machines that everyone is bringing - if not, then I guess
less power points will be needed.



> -----Original Message-----
> From: 
> bbc-micro-bounces+michael.firth=bt.com@... 
> [mailto:bbc-micro-bounces+michael.firth=bt.com@...
> .uk] On Behalf Of Joel Rowbottom
> Sent: 23 August 2009 12:52
> To: bbc-micro@...
> Subject: [BBC-Micro] Retro Reunited - Acorn Room
> Hi guys --
> I spent an hour this morning at Ainley Top, the venue for the Retro
> Reunited show in September. If you're in the Acorn World room 
> you need to
> take note of this so please read carefully in the absence of a show
> exhibitor guide:
> There are *very* few power sockets in the room - five doubles 
> I think. I
> noted them on Dave's floorplan and hopefully he'll be able to get that
> diagram to me soonish. What is *vitally* important is that 
> This doesn't mean "oh I need one and can break it out to 8", 
> it means we
> need to know how many plugs you're going to plug in so we can 
> make sure the
> room comes under any power restrictions!
> It is *vitally* important that if you are not on the Econet island but
> still want an Econet socket or two, you book an Econet connection with
> myself. Once the room is cabled, there'll be no extra spurs 
> crimped on, and
> cable will be gaffer-taped to the floors as we are directly 
> in line with an
> emergency exit.
> Internet connectivity is outsourced to Swisscom. This costs 
> ?15/day for
> 'unlimited' wireless connection - I haven't tested it but 
> based on past
> experience with this particular vendor you will not be able to get any
> incoming (server) connectivity (it's NAT'd). The 'business' connection
> (that's the ?15/day one) apparently allows VPN usage so those 
> wanting to
> run servers will have to find an alternative solution.
> The tables will have tablecloths boxing off the underneath of 
> the tables
> themselves. Empty boxes and unused equipment should be appropriately
> stowed, preferably in cars please.
> There will not be a screen between the Acorn exhibitors area and the
> theatre - therefore please ensure either your display does 
> not make noise
> during the presentations or can be turned down/switched off.
> I believe Dave has floorplans which will now include Econet 
> sockets and
> power distribution. This will assist in avoiding a 
> 'Byte-back' situation
> with insane cable routing, people falling over things, and boxes
> everywhere.
> Fingers crossed we will be there and testing on Friday night. 
> If I can have
> a pair of helping hands once availability is confirmed then 
> that would be
> smashing please - if we can't get in on Friday night I will 
> be at the hotel
> at 7am on Saturday morning instead.
> With best wishes
> Joel.
> x
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